Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Music is blasting, alcohol is running through my veins, I see in the distance Niall and Ali going up to the bedrooms, she through me a thumbs up and it made me happy. I wanted them to be together, they were a good fit. But the one thing that was on my mind was forgetting about that conversation I had with Harry a few hours ago. I didn’t even know where he went after I left the room. I figured he was going to follow me; I need to stop wondering where he was.

I could feel myself slowly going further into oblivion, dancing the night away with my girlfriends not even having a care in the world. Went to the kitchen counter Louis was pouring shots, one down, two down. Louis's eye widened in shock of me throwing down the shots so easily. I let out a small laugh. The Jack was so smooth after a few beers going down my throat. I turned around to head back to dancing and I felt a strong hand grab my arm. I turned around frantically “What the fu-“it was Harry. I pulled my arm down fast gave him a look like I wasn’t interested rolled my eyes and walked back to my friends.

I had such a good buzz going I didn’t even realize he had followed me. I was so focused on losing him that I tripped over the leg of my couch and almost face planted in the middle of my own party. I was caught and pulled up before anyone could see what could have been catastrophic and comical all in the same sense. I was turned around and I looked up to the smile and the beautiful eyes on Harry. I sighed and said “thanks, that could have been really bad” looking down while being embarrassed. He picked my chin up and said “Well, you’re the one who said it was just beginning so let’s continue this story shall we? Besides who wouldn’t want to see those brown eyes of yours” I smiled at him and at this point I was too far gone to even care what games he wanted to play so I just danced hoping he would join. I wanted him to touch me, feel me move against him. I wanted to be the girl of the night everyone talked about that “got with Harry Styles”.

I just let the music take my hips to where they wanted to go, Harry behind me pushing himself against my ass holding my hips with one hand and the other hand intertwined with mine holding the back of his head. As he grew hard he slowly moved his hand down my arm to my chest and turned me around to face him.

“Your one hell of a dancer, you know that” flirting with me

“Yeah I’ve been told that, it’s kind of what I do” I snapped back with a smile

“Wait, Niall didn’t say you danced like that for a living” he gave me a confused look and started to back off

“Huh? What the fuck are yo----OMG NO no no no I’m not a stripper!!! I’m a dance Teacher at the studio in town” We both started laughing hysterically to the point we were tearing.

“I need another drink after that” he nodded and got the bottle of Jack that was on the counter. He took a big gulp of it and his face got all crinkly when he swallowed it without a chaser to follow and it was adorable. He gave me the bottle and I took a big gulp of it too, it must have dripped on me because before I knew it his thumb traced my bottom lip and wiped it off and brought it to his mouth and licked the remains. “There ya go beautiful, mm tastes better coming off your lips”. A few songs later I was so hot and he definitely was too, his shirt was glued to his torso.

“Do you want to go outside and get some air” he asked I nodded and he took my hand outside to my backyard.

It was a beautiful night. The sky was clear and dark black/blue full of stars and not a single cloud fluttered. We walked down the docks by my boat and sat with our feet in the water. We both were silent just looking up at the stars.

“Your house is pretty amazing, I wouldn’t mind getting lost out here every now and then, it is probably so peaceful” he said breaking the silence.

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