"Oh,right! Where's your dad? I didn't greet him yet," Woohyun suddenly asked about my dad.

"He went for a business trip. He'll be back in two days more,"

"Ahh no wonder.."

"Btw Woohyun...I've something to tell you.." I said in a slow voice,without looking at him.

He put his glass down and stared at me. "Something? Okay, say it" while putting his hand below his chin.

Aish..why he's staring at me..

"Actually...I'm really sorry on my dad's behalf. He make your face like that..so I'm sorry again.."

"Ahh..that's what you're trying to tell me? It's okay now," Woohyun pinched his right cheek (he looks like a mandu😅)

"I know but still..I feel so guilty. You saved me, yet you get a punch from my dad. I know exactly how my dad acts like,he's always being overprotective over me since my mom passed away..besides, it's a guy who brought me home..my dad knew that I don't have any male friend "

"Stop blaming yourself, it's not that serious. You're his only daughter so I know how he felt that night when I brought you home fainted. But he said I'm quite handsome too," he laughed like nothing happened. It made me quite relieved.

" ah,and thank you for saving me that night.. I can't swim so.." I shyly said.

"I know,"

"Oh?..okay.." How did he know?

Woohyun sighed. "I thought it was something serious. Like you wanna tell me 'I love you' or something like that.." He said in disappointment ,and chuckled afterwards after looking at my blushing face.

"Why would I tell you that? You're just a kid," I looked away.

"Wrong. Handsome kid," he smiled in victory.

Trying to change the topic,I asked him something else, "how's the preparation for the festival? It's 2 days more.."

"So far so good. Sunggyu is still complaining about his tree cosplay😓 and..." he looks sad suddenly.

"Why? Is there any problem?"

"Yeah.." He said, " I still didn't practice for the drama play yet,just like you. Oh no, We're in trouble.."

Me? Oh my~ I totally forgot.

"Should we practice it now?" He said.

"Here? In my house?"

He nodded like a baby wanting milk. Suddenly I felt nervous, but it's ok, since I already memorized all the lines tho..




Woohyun POV

So we started the practice right away as she agreed to do so. In the living room,Nia sat down on a sofa like a princess in pyjama while acting crying.

"My princess,why can't you wait for me? I just went for a while to become a better person for you,"

"I don't deserve you,you're way too perfect for me...The Queen asked me to marry another prince,so I can't do anything-"  she stopped at her line when I pulled her into my arms.

"I'll do anything to get you!"

I saw her face turning red beet. I wanna laugh but it's not bad looking at her in this distance. She's become hotter and redder than before,probably because of her cold. Poor girl.

"Woohyun ah..I don't think-" she gasped when I carried her in my arms like a bridal style going into her room.

"The next scene is when the prince kiss the princess,so..." I said and she looks so nervous.

As we reached her room,I put her on the bed and our face is close like 30 cm apart.



Oh god..I'm going to die..his face is so close!

I closed my eyes,but there's nothing happened after a few moments, so I opened my eyes slowly.

And there's Woohyun smiling sweetly at me,and suddenly he covered me with a warm blanket. I was puzzled at first.

"Rest well,princess.Get well soon," he walked out of the room,leaving me dumbfounded plus embarrassment because of me waiting for his kiss just now.

Ommaaaaaaaa 😣

Woohyun POV

No,Nam Woohyun...fight your urge to kiss her.😚 You did a good job.hahhh Fuuhhh..

I sighed. What had I done just now? Luckily his dad wasn't home so I still alive now. I'll be dead if he knows😂

Get well soon, Nia . So that I could see you longer next time. I closed the front door slowly and walked home again.

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