The Other One: Part 2

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What the fººk! The smell hit me instantly.

The room looked like it was once inhabited but the must and dust and webs hung everywhere. The dark curtains didn't let any light come in so I flipped the light switch and moths flew crazily everywhere. The bed was well made but was covered in dust. On the opposite wall of the bed stood a dresser and closet, I immediately went to the closet to investigate. Her cloths still hung there, moldy and smelly, maybe with a wash could possibly be wearable.

On the top compartment of where the clothing hung were books. One by one I took all three of them down and dust them off. They didn't look very special; they were just regular black, hardcover textbook. I opened the first one to the first page it 'DON'T READ' then below that, 'who am I kidding nobody cared anyways'. Interesting. The following pages were about her not having friends and then some chick she never wrote the name of. The next book introduced another girl named Clair. Then there was some jumble about her feeling pain and being sorry to the mystery chick but the train of thought was never consistent.

In the last book she started putting dated on her logs but what she wrote was just bazar. She was talking about mom and saying some fººked up shºt about her sleeping around on her father and how her mystery friend told her everything about mom.

Woah, mom got pregnant at fifteen! My mom was a thot? I believe it, it sounds like her. What, she forced the blind dudes' parents to let them marry by blackmailing them? Where the hell were her parents when all this was going down?

Her log skipped some years and continued with her talking being real sketchy. Did she go somewhere? Well wherever she went she came back pissed as fººk. She went on and on about being tortured and scared of the mystery girl. The Clair girl started avoiding her then shºt got real scary on the next page. It was filled with the same phrase, 'Margret isn't real.' Following that she went on about hating everybody and saying mom was the reason why her father died, then she started writing suicidal shºt which might be the reason her last log was in letter format;

I am sorry I had to be like this, I wish I could be normal but I know now that it can never happen. I'm so tired I just want to die and get life over with. My life is a mess; I think my mother had something to do with my dads' death, my mother forces me to take pills every day after she was the one that signed me into the looneybin acts as though I am the black plague. My only real friend has disowned me, my former friend is tormenting me and wouldn't let me have peace even in my dreams. Margret, you win. I don't know what the big prize is and I don't want to know either as long as I get away from you.

Mom; I hope you get what you deserve. I hope people would see you for the selfish bºtch you are.

Clair; I am sorry I never told you about my 'problem' I wish you never got involved with me. I wish you the best.

Margret; you are not real but even if you are real I am this way because of you and what happens next is your fault entirely. So fººk you for that.

Who the hell is Margret? The name sent a cold shiver down my spine. Maybe I should get out of here it's really creepy and smelly in here.

I left the books and the room, not really interested in anything else in the room. Is the Margret chick the reason why she went crazy?

"Mom what was she like besides what I already know?" I asked once, she remained silent for a while before she could whisper, "She was... she liked... her..." She never had a straight answer and I often questioned if she was our true mother.

Jesus Christ, this is going to bug me till I get some answers.


I asked my mom my burning question when she got home that evening the answer was the same as before but now I had more information before. So I asked her, "Mom, who is Margret?"

Her head whipped to me "Who?"

"Don't act dumb I know you saw the bar broken."

"I told you never to go in that room."

"No you didn't, you just locked it. So what happened to her dad?" her fists clenched on the table which she quickly pulled down to her lap when she saw I had noticed. "None of your business."

"A person can only be in the dark for so long, you know. So what happened to the crazy one?"

"You do realize you are her sister?"

"And you are her mother"

"Don't worry about it."

"You're right; I don't need to ask she already wrote about you and everything. You didn't tell me you were a thot, mom." She stiffened, O so she didn't know about the books.

"She what?" She was so hooked on my words. She needed answers and lo she had none. Now she knows how I felt. No wonder the chick went and killed herself with a mother like her. "You don't know anything!"

"Where was dad? You are so selfish! Did you care about her? No wonder she went mad-" SLAP!!

She fººking didn't.

I launched for her throat but she wasn't having it, her eyes dilated and she punched my stomach, then my shoulder, then out of nowhere her leg wrapped around my neck and she repeatedly punched my face. I feel the blood flowing from my temple and experienced the metallic taste in my mouth. I was ready to quit, she wasn't worth a hospital trip and also I couldn't move. She didn't think that though; she loosened her hold on my neck to get up. She disappeared for several seconds in that time I tried to get up the pain was too much.

"I never liked you now. You little shºt always leaving me to pick up your crap. I have had it with your smart mouth, can't keep your mouth shut. I would have speared you but no you want it the hard way; just like her father and you'll end up just like him.

I saw her knife aim straight for my chest. The explosion of pain took my breath away. Her sinister smile and crazy eyes was the last sight I saw. I could barely spit out my last words "S-S-See you i-n-n hhheell."

"See you there kid." She laughed back before I dropped out of consciousness. 


That was 1135 words bro and the book is almost over.

I don't i'll ever put myself through that again but I hope you like it.


Be Breezy

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