Jungkook pov 

   One long car ride filled with meaningless conversation later and we were at the mall and headed for the entrance while Taehyung looked for a parking space. I sat on a bench near the entrance appreciating some of the nature surrounding me. The snow dusted bench painted with frost felt cold to the touch as I sat down. I wrapped my scarf tighter around me in attempt to prevent from catching a cold when a gust of wind flew in my face sending shivers though my body. I spotted a little squirrel scurry past its little legs clawing at an acorn. Cute I thought. I loud cry broke me from my thoughts and my head snapped around to see an out of breath, rosey-cheeked Taehyung sprinting towards me. 

   "yah Jungkookie why are you sitting in the cold?" he said signaling for my to stand up. I stood up turning around hearing Taehyungs low chuckle from behind me. I turned my head a little asking what was wrong. 

    "Nothing it just you've got some snow covering your butt" he said. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment feeling panic rise in my body. "yAH GET IT OFF!" I whisper yelled as to not draw attention. 

    "I could practically feel Taehyungs smirk from behind me and was confused as to why this situation could be remotely amusing. I suddenly felt a firm hand grasp my butt before slowly swipping it to get the snow off. 

      "Ok tae you can stop I think you got it all" I said not wanting to increase the amount of looks turning towards us.  But Taehyung carried on and I don't know if it was the just the fact my but was numb from the cold but I swear I felt a slight pressure from his hand. 

   Did he jus- 

  "Taehyung ! " I shrieked turning around facing him our faces only a militmeter apart. 

"Heh you got a soft ass kook" Taehyung chuckled a sly smirk painted on his lips. My cheeks must've been the equivalent to roses by then from the amount of embarrassment I felt in that moment. 

 "L-let's just go inside I'm tired of standing in this cold" I said sternly turning around and walking inside not even waiting for Taehyung to catch up with me. 

     About halfway through the trip I got over what Taehyung did and I was actually having a good time. We were currently in my favorite store which I rarely get to visit. I liked wearing sweaters that were considerably big on me usually in bright colors. I showed them to my mom once but she felt like they weren't manly enough and ended up swapping them for simple plaid button ups. Ever since then I never go shopping unless I'm with Taehyung,  even shopping alone the stares I get are too much to deal with. 

    "Gguk I think I found something you might like" Taehyung shouted from behind a row of hangers. In his hand he held a large tan sweater with white stripes and what looked to be fur on the inside. I took it from him and felt the inside basking in the warmth of the fur and smell of the most likely recently washed fabric. "I love it Taehyung great pick" I said giving him the biggest smile I could muster. We picked up a few more items including some knee high socks and more sweaters as the weather seemed to be getting colder by the day. 

    Once we were about to leave some spokes person stopped us to ask if we would like to get our hair dyed. I politely said no and was turning to walk to the exit when Taehyung stopped me. 

   "Come on kook it'll be fun" he said, "Plus it's your first year in high school you need to make an impression" I shook my head no directed my hand to Taehyungs head. "You already have your hair dyed and I don't need to damage my head" I replied turning around to leave one more time before Taehyung forcefully grabbed my arm whipping me around and dragging me to the booth. 

   I sat down in the chair giving up on even fighting with Taehyung as he always wins ( usually by force). "Taehyung I don't even know what colors I want or what style" I said trying to argue once last time. 

  "Leave it to me just plug your headphones and relax" he said adjusting my chair so I was leaning back for the hair stylist to start washing my hair. 

  After about 30 minutes it was done and Taehyung turned me around in front of the mirror to see the final product. It was...interesting? My hair was now curly from having it wet and some parts were died a light pink while others are kept the same. It was honestly not that bad a look it made me feel pretty which I haven't been able to properly feel like for a long time. 

   "So..." Taehyung said after a couple seconds of me not responding, "Is is that bad?.." 

   I turned my head around shaking it furiously, "No Nono it's great I love it" I quickly replied, "I just need to get used to it" I added shortly after. 

   "Well it's getting late we should get you home before your parents blow up my phone bill asking where you are" Taehyung said with a slight chuckle. I agreed and we headed back to the car. 

   Soon enough we were pulling up to my driveway and Taehyung was walking me to my door his arm around my shoulder to keep me warm. 

  "Well see you at school Monday Taehyung" I said opening up arms to engulf him in a hug. Only instead he just stood there fiddling with his fingers and my arms slowly came back down to my sides. Taehyung had seemed weird the whole car ride as if his whole persona changed from the quirky cocky kid to really quiet. I lowered my head to get a better look at him as our height difference was a little off. He expression seemed sad and I felt my heart sink. I cupped the palms of my hands s in his face lifting it up. 

  "Taehyung are you okay" I said giving him a small pout. I felt his hands snake from my hips to my torso and up to cup my face. "why are you so cute" 

 I was confused.

"Taehyung are you drunk?" I questioned, "You're acting weir-" I suddenly felt a slight wetness in my hand and I noticed tears were starting to fall form Taehyungs eyes. "Taehyung! Why are you crying" 

Taehyung Pov 

"Because love is an illusion"

lmao angst  I might make taehyung mean but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  leave  comment if you want him to be mean or not. I hope you liked this fluffy lil chapter btw this is the sweater jungkook got

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