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      Hello! Welcome to " Sincerely, " before you start reading  I want  to tell you a few things that will happen in this book as some of them may be uncomfortable for some readers. 

    First off this books main character will have a personality disorder called Alexithymia which is where a person is unable to detect how people feel and can't express themselves verbally. For example, when holding a conversation with someone the person may seem uninterested because of their monotone voice  and their blunt straight-forward answers. 

I'm going to be honest I don't know much about this disorder but I'm very interested in it and wanted to give my story a twist. I'll be doing as much research as I can as to not offend people who may have this disorder with false information. Although, I'm not perfect and may mess up so if I do anything to offend you please message me cause thats the last thing I would want to do :( 

  Also the character in this story will not have a severe case and will be able to show some but very little emotion when they really want to. Other then that all emotions will be shown through other things. 

Another thing that may or may not happen but I'll just put here, is mentions depression and suicidal thoughts  throughout(?) but only if I'm feeling really cruel lmao. But I really want to keep this story somewhat sweet as I feel those are more fun to read :) 

Anyway thats all I have to say, I hope you enjoy my book! I'll try to update whenever I have the time but I'm starting high school sO :') 


                                                                                                 j. mg xo 

sincerely, || jjk + pjmUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum