The search for the lions

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Your P.O.V~
I couldn't believe my lion is its own lion but would they guys need me. I mean I just came along do they really need me.
Allura: Ok we know where 3 Of the lions. Shiro and pidge can go get the green lion. Lance and hunk can go find the yellow. Then Keith can y/n can find the light blue lion
Lance: Hey I'm not leting Keith take my sister
Y/n: Lance I'll be fine
Keith: I mean you got us stuck in a worm hole
Lance: I'll stick you in a worm hole
Y/n: Lance!!
I in between them and push them away from each other
Y/n: Come on Keith before Lance try's to roast you
He didn't say anything we just followed me to the ship. We went and found this planet but it was cold. But it wasn't ice it was like earth but nothing was frozen.
Keith: Are we sure the coordinates lead here
Y/n: Yeah
We started to walk then I saw a ship coming down
Y/n: Keith get down
I pushed him to a tree and covers his mouth with my hand his face was pink
Y/n: There's a ship we don't know if there with us or not
Then the ship land and a girl and some men come out of the ship
??: Remember Zarkon needs that lion we have to find it
They were talking about my lion. I couldn't hold my position any longer I jumped out from behind the tree
Y/n: You aren't going to get that lion
??: who are you
Crap I messed up Keith grabbed my hand
Keith: We are just a couple out here exploring
I blushed
??:Why is she worried about the lion
Y/n: Cause I'm it's palden
Crap I need to shut my mouth
??: Well I have to kill you now. Guards you know what to do
They had there guns on us I couldn't move or think about anything
We started to run and they were pretty far behind till I tripped and fell
Y/n: Keith
He was far before he stopped and ran back to me and picked me up
Keith: Be careful next time I may not always be there to save you
I blushed did I really like this guy I couldn't think about that now. Keith had to stop cause there was a cliff were a water fall was he set me down
Keith: This is it
Y/n: Keith do you trust me
Keith: What
Y/n: Do you trust me
Keith: Yeah
Y/n: Then follow my lead
I jumped into the water I don't know if Keith followed me or not but I fell into the water and found my lion under water. Keith puts his hand on my shoulder to tell me he's alright then we went to my lion. We got in it and Keith was trying to catch his breath while I sat in my seat looking at my foot it was fine but I was glad me and Keith were alive
Y/n: You alright Keith
Keith: Yeah how's your foot
Y/n: Good
The thing that bothered me the most was Keith grabbing my hand and saying we're dating.
Y/n: Keith why did you say to the girl we were dating
His face turned red
Keith: It was the first thing that came to my mind so I went with it
Y/n: Ok
Then I flew the lion back to the castle. When we got there Shiro and pidge were already back.
Shiro: How was it
Keith: Some of Zarkons minions were trying to kill us but they don't know we have LB( light blue)
Shiro: Good
Allura: Well at least you two are safe
I was glad we were alive but Keith's bravery and skills are impressive. Y/n you don't like him nope you don't like him. Nope not in a million years. Nope nope nope. Then I remover the woman for the vision I keep having. She looked like me but with hours a tail and dragon like wings and was warring a crown. Then Keith put his hand on my shoulder
Keith: You ok there
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine
I smiled I don't want them thinking I'm not one of the guys so I play it cool
Keith: No your not what's the matter
Y/n: Fine...Baka
I took a deep breath
Y/n: I keep haven't his vision of this woman knowing my name and saving me from something and sending me to earth
Keith: Weird it isn't your and lances mom
Y/n: No
Keith: You'll figure it I'm sure
Then Lance and hunk walked in Keith walked away form me so Lance wouldn't be mad at him.
Y/n: Lance you ok
Lance: Yeah its just they know we have the blue and yellow lions
Allura: It's ok but Keith guess what
Coran: We found the red lion but Zarkon has it
Keith: How is that good news
Y/n: Keith I'm sure we can get it back. Plus I'm ready this time
I got in a fighting stance and Keith chuckled
Allura: Before you go you will need armor
Lance: Armor? 
Allura took  us to this room with suits that were the colors to each of our lions. I found mine and it looks like it was worn by a male palden so it may be a tight fit.
Shiro: Gentlemen and lady let's suit up
I got my suit on it was a little tight but it fits then Lance saw me in my armor
Lance: Sis you be knocking boys dead in that~
Keith face was red
Y/n: Shut up Lance you flirting doesn't work on me
We rolled his eyes
Y/n: But then again it's funny to see you flirt
Lance: H-Hey!
We all laughed
Allura: A bayard is a Paldens weapon in battle each of you get one
Lance got a shot gun. Hunk got a mechanism gun. Pidge got a cute bayard
Lance: Awww you got a cute bayard
Pidge hit him
Pidge: Yeah it's cute
Keith got a sword and a sheld and I got a bow and unlimited arrows
Y/n: Sweet
I shot one at lances foot and he doged it
Lance: What the heck sis
Y/n: Sorry I didn't mean to aim at you
I smirked
Allura: Shiro I afraid your bayard was lost with its palden
Shiro: I'll just make do
Y/n: Well let's destroy Zarkon
Keith: Wait right there y/n. We need a plan
Y/n: Oh right
I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment
Y/n: Shiro? You got any ideas?
Shiro: Yeah. Alright team listen sense they already know we have the blue and yellow lions they will be used as a distraction. While that's happening me y/n pidge and Keith will take the purple and green lions and find a way in. Me and Keith will look for the red lion while pidge and y/n guard the exit
Y/n: Alright
Lance: Let's do this
Hunk: Yeah
Me and Keith went to my lion while Shiro went with pidge. We got there and got in the glara ship.
Pidge: Wait there  may  be other people on this ship
Shiro: That's not important right now
Pidge: My farther and my brother we on the Missouri with you
Shiro froze Keith confused a little and I knew what pidge was talking about
Shiro: Alright I'll go with you pidge
Keith: What?!?!
Shiro: It's just a change of plans you and y/n will find the red lion and focus-
The the glara were shooting at us
Shiro: Go
Me and Keith ran I had our backs. We lost them but we ran for a while
Y/n: Keith you need to focus
Keith: I have to protect you tho
Y/n: Just focus on the lion I'm not important right now
He closed his eyes for a couple seconds
Keith: Gotcha
We ran down many halls then we found the lion
Y/n: Try to bound with it
Keith: Hello it's me Keith I'm your palden
Y/n: That's cute but try again
Then glara shoulders cam out and try to shot Keith's but I got my shield out a protected him
Y/n: Keep trying I got them
I moved closer and got my bow out but then one shot me cause me to fall
Keith: Y/n
He got his bayard out and flight the glara I got up and helped him. Keith got shot and hit a control panel. I got tripped by on with a sword and was on the ground.
Keith: Y/n get your mask on
I did and he opened a hatch and we flew out I ran into Keith and grabbed him. I was so scared I closed my eyes. I felt Keith tighten his grip on me then we were in the lion
Keith: Good Kitty. Now let's take y/n back to LB
Keith flew his lion to mine and pidges
Shiro: Alright let's get the black lion
We got in the castle to wake up the black lion up. We stood there for a while I was hoping we could form Voltron. I was really nervous what if Shiro wasn't the one. Then the lion roar and the. The rest of the roared
Shiro: Now that's what I'm talking about
Y/n: Guys come on we have some glara but to kick
We went out side and fought off many ships
Shiro: Alright let's from Voltron
Hunk: How
Y/n: I don't know LB Black hello
I didn't get anything
Hunk: From Voltron
Hunk ran into Keith's lion
Keith: Hey!
Hunk: Well that didn't work
Lance: Hey we are being pulled in the same direction
Y/n: Lance look up
Hunk: I can't move
I tried to move my lion but I couldn't
Hunk: Is this is Bosc
Keith: It's been an hour fly with you guys
No no I wasn't going to give up not know. I heard my lion roar.
Keith: Y/n you ok?
Y/n: Look I didn't come with y'all to be in slaved by aliens. I wanted a purpose and now I have one and I'm not just going to give up just like that. I mean come on guys we are the universes last hope on defeating Zarkon. I will not let him win.
Shiro: Y/n is right we need to fight
Lance  : yeah
Hunk: Let's do this
Pidge: I'm in
Keith: I also in
There lions roared and they formed Voltron and my lion got bigger
Keith: Whoa
Lance: This is awesome
Y/n: Heck yeah it is
Shiro: Come on guys
I coughed
Shiro: And lady.
Y/n: That's right
Shiro: Let's take down the ship
The guys took the first shot and I follow blow after blow we shot at them. Then it blew up and we won
Y/n: Amazing!
I started screaming like crazy
Lance: Hey don't break our ear drums
Y/n: Sorry
We all got out of our lions and Coran and allura came up to us
Allura: You guys did great that was amazing
Lance: Thanks Allura
Coran: Just wait till you have to fight more then just one ship
Lance: What!?!? I could barely survive this attack
Coran: You going have to get used to it if your defenders of the universe
Y/n: Defenders of the Unveiling?
I looked to Shiro
Shiro: That has a nice ring to it

Keith x reader The sixth lionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora