Another Sunset (Chapter 10)

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Chapter 10


After a while, Sarah recovered from crying and began to open her mouth but still, hesitant. While I never got tired of waiting, of course, to what is, I should be prepared. She’s my best friend; she needs me in times like this. Silence sting of Josh’s mind that he chose to speak out.

“Blaire? I’m sorry.” He looked at me in the eye.

“Sorry for what?” I raised my brows in question.

“Sarah’s… she’s, she’s three weeks pregnant.” He looked down.

I was shocked that it held my mouth hung open for a couple of minutes. I felt the blood raised to my head, the pressure of anger, confusion and despair mixed down with the oxygen flowing down to my lungs. It took me many minutes to fixed myself and moved back to earth.

“Josh,” I started with resentment in my voice. “How could you two be so irresponsible?” I darted. “Sarah, you’re parents will be disappointed with you.” I paused and continued. “How could the both of you be so reckless? Why did you do that? Josh? Sarah?” they looked down. They didn’t dare to speak. “So what will you do?” no one spoke. The eerie of the silence between us was unmanageable. I took a deep breath to give them time to reflect and think over that matter. I went at the porch thinking over things. Sarah is pregnant at the age of seventeen and josh’s a father in the age of eighteen. I’m really mad about this, too much disappointment. But I wanted to help them, to lessen the fear they felt a moment ago. I was about to get inside when I saw a familiar car passed the house. I got to see the driver by an open windshield; it was Raigel, the bassist in Tom’s band. A flood of memories washed me, reminded me of someone I knew but forgotten. I shoved the door and made myself close the connection of the past from my future.

Month passed and Sarah’s belly started to grow. As expected, Josh’s stayed wherever she was. Their parents already know this that they are planning to join those two by means of marriage. Everyone on town was invited, almost. And I, Sarah’s best friend, am expected to hold every single thing in this event. Also, to keep myself from constant silence, enough to drew my attentions away. Away from someone that should be forgotten by the time it required. Healed by the time my muted sunset began to spread its wings and fly away from me. Keeping those treasured memories with it. Keep holding back nothing but a single face of a man that should be erased from the equilibrium of the earth.

It was in the middle of January when my best friend got married exactly fifteenth of the said month. Aunt Jaime sent letters of congratulations to her and cares for me. Whenever I remember the very day of Sarah’s wedding, my heart pumped twice as normal. Of course, you got to see your best friend walking in the aisle with his man. Meanwhile you, sitting at the bench, with all out smile for her, encouraging her not to sweat a tear to avoid ugly turn-out of make-ups.

But on the other hand, you wished that you were her. Walking in the aisle with a bouquet of white roses, wearing a long wedding gown that you looked like a princes from a fairytale. Wishing that you could find the right person to be with for the rest of your life, a face of a guy flashed my memory.

Now, it’s only Zack and I who’re the only living thing housing in this sanctuary. Everyday seemed to be pretty normal for everyone. A daily call from Sarah, a weekly letter from Aunt Jaime and a monthly duty at the shop was my routine for these past months. But I can sense that my heart was left alone in the middle of darkness. Waiting for the right light to come in and show the right face.

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