Another Sunset (Chapter 9)

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I didn’t answer anymore.

It was 5:00 in the afternoon when I started cooking for dinner. A soft voice from my back said my name.

“Blaire?” it’s Zack.


“I was wondering if you could allow me to sleep over at Joshua’s house.”

“When is it?” I asked calmly.

“Well, actually. It’s tonight. And they’ll pick me at six. Can I?” I looked at him. “Just promise me you’ll behave yourself. And be polite with Mrs. Windcott, okay?” his eyes looked cheered. “I promise.” And he dashed through the stairs.

“And by the way…” he stopped at the middle. “Help her with the chores. Did I make myself clear?” I giggled. “Yes ma’am!” and he continued.

I was preparing the table. Mrs. Windcott fetched Zack a couple of minutes ago. So, it would be me and Sarah who would eat together at dinner. She was walking down the stairs.

“Oh, Blaire… Uhh, I’ll pass dinner okay? Josh and I’ll at a restaurant so serve yourself.” She was walking towards me arranging her scarf.

“Well, okay. Call me when you need me. Take care okay?” as she vanished from the dark.

Is this weird or am I imagining things? I am all alone in this house. Alone with no one to talk to, I’m scared. Not that I believe in ghost or anything. It’s just that I’m not used to being alone. I disposed the dinner, putting the food at the fridge. I darted to my room and sat quietly. There’s neither Zack nor Aunt Jaime, nor Sarah, even Tom. Loneliness shadowed me across the room. The silver moonlight crossed the crystal clear surface of my window. I breathe loudly enough to fill the room with silence. I prayed that I may fall asleep to make my night a night that never was. A moment which I could never remember a bit, my heart is calm. I let myself reminisce for a while. Then, a steam of memory flooded my whole being. The loss of a child to a mother, a hatred of an innocent kid for a father, an endless love of a sister to a brother… I stopped myself from thinking. If I let myself think of him, I’ll need him more, badly. I have two days to go till I see him.

It was past eleven and I haven’t sleep yet. My eyes can’t feel any weight from the sole of the earth. I’ve convinced myself to sleep but the pain in me fights. I know it’s been a while since Mom’s death. But honestly, I never get over it and never will be. She’s a part of who I am now and who I will be for the next years of my life. I lie still in the middle of my bed, feeling a coldness of being alone suffocated me.

It’s almost twelve and Sarah hasn’t come home yet. Since I’m not sleepy enough, I walked down the porch, wearing thick cotton jacket Aunt Jaime gave me, and sat at where I planned to be.

There I was, sitting at the porch in the middle of the night. Thinking about things under my control and, even those things which shouldn’t be my concern, I giggled. I was acting so strange of being alone, in this house. Aunt Jaime, Zack, Sarah and Tom, I’m all alone.

It was about four o’clock in the morning. I woke up with stiffed back and neck. I fell asleep last night while sitting at the porch. That explains my back pains. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, leaving may jacket at the porch. The water was hot. It definitely helped me to calm my rigid muscles. After the shower, I went downstairs to have some breakfast. An orange fruit on the table reminded me of Sarah. She loves orange that every time we went to the grocery, she always demands an orange. Then a thought stroked my head. She’s not home yet. She told me she’ll be back but she didn’t. I went to her room to double check. ‘Maybe she’s home. I must have not notice her.’ I said to myself. I opened the door and found nothing but a bed and closet, still the same as I saw them yesterday. I went searching for my cell phone to call her. My heart began to stump fast that it made my impulse crack. ‘Where could she possibly be?’ I know he’s with Josh. That guy’s a responsible one, I know it. But why on earth Sarah’s not home yet? I composed my nerves by drinking a glass of water, freezing from the refrigerator. Maybe it’s too late for her to go home last night that she chose to sleep over at Josh’s house. I considered it as a reason. But after three glasses of water, I can’t calm down. At least I know that Zack’s safe there at Mrs. Wincotts’ home.

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