Before she could get up to follow them, the voices grew louder and their owners managed to follow down the corridor that Mallie was perched.

"Mallie?" George asked as she came into view.

"What are you doing down here so late?" Fred chuckled curiously.

Mallie smiled at them, glad to have company for atleast a few moments.

"I'm waiting for Cedric," She replied, "What are you guys doing out so late?"

Fred held up a white envelope, "Mailing something."

Mallie thought back to the time, the owlery was only a couple minutes walk.

"I'll join you guys before I head to the Hall, if that's okay? I've got a bit of time before he's done anyway."

They both nodded and so, the three quickly fell into light conversation towards the owlery.

"What do you think about Harry's name coming outta the Goblet?" Fred asked.

Mallie shrugged, "I know it's unfair. But I don't think he could've gotten it entered on his own, there must be something up. Someone must be trying to sabotage Cedric, or maybe even Harry himself."

George nodded, "You're right, something is up. I think they'll still make him compete though."

Soon, the owlery came into view, Mallie passing through the thin doorway first and Fred leaning up to wake up one of the school's tawny owls a few rows above their heads.

A cold wind chased around the open owlery and all the owls were tucked under their wings for warmth.

It was Mallie's favourite spot in the castle. She leaned against the damp rock and leaned out the stone archway that offered a view over the grounds.

As the rain had now slowed to barely nothing, she could just see Hogwarts over the thin sheet of mist.

Lights shon from a few points around the castle, from common rooms, kitchens and staff quarters: all lighting the empty grounds just enough for Mallie to admire it.

She felt a lean body press against her side, too, leaning to see outside the window.

"It's stunning isn't it?" Mallie asked, in awe.

A warm stare grazed her cheek, Mallie    averted her shining eyes from the view and onto the boy standing next to her.

Her eyes fell on the line of freckles under his left eye.

George, turning only slightly red, quickly pulled his stare from her face and looked over the grounds.

"Yeah, yeah.. it is." He replied.

Mallie still hadn't stopped looking at him, "It's a bit chilly out here don't you think?"

George's eyes had still not come back to meet Mallie's, but he nodded.

Her fingers reached to the knot under her chin, undoing it carefully and pulling the black cloak from her shoulders.

She leaned forward and wrapped the cloak back around it's owner, tying the knot under Georges chin.

By now, he had been staring for almost too long at her dark eyelashes and how they shon under the small light of the castle from beyond the window.

Mallie looked up, "There you are, to keep you warm."

George was looking at her again. This time, his gaze unwavering.

Mallie immediately felt shy under his gaze and instinctively began rubbing her hands down her jeans to warm them up.

"Here," George grabbed Mallie's hands, and locked them in between his larger ones.

They were warm and the heat began to sink into Mallie's hands.

She looked up at him again, "Thanks."


An immediate and startling cough forced it's way through the still air.

Fred, who had been watching the encounter for a few minutes, stood with a shit-eating smirk on his face.

Mallie jumped at Fred's closeness and pulled her hands from George's.

George cleared his throats awkwardly and began scratching the back of his neck, "What Fred?"

"It's sent."

George nodded, avoiding looking directly either at Mallie (who'd only just realized how that might've looked) or Fred (who's grin was growing by the second.)

Mallie pulled out her wand again, muttering her time-telling spell:

She gasped, "I have to go, or I'll miss  Cedric."

They nodded as she frantically exited the owlery.

"See you guys tomorrow!" Mallie called over her shoulder as she jogged back towards the castle.

George watched Mallie's figure disappear into the darkness of the castle and then looked back at Fred: he was still smirking as though he had just admitted to having poisoned Snape's drinking water.

"Oh shut it, you git." George shoved him before walking off aswell.

"I didn't say anything!" Fred laughed.



Managed to plow through this chap pretty quickly, I really enjoyed writing the owlery scene. Fred is totally the captain of this ship (Gallie? Joheasley?)

much love,


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