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MALLIE LAY DEEP IN DREAM hidden by her yellow and white comforter and snored softly into the stuffed toys occupying her bed

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MALLIE LAY DEEP IN DREAM hidden by her yellow and white comforter and snored softly into the stuffed toys occupying her bed.

The Weird Sisters had just come onto stage when Mallie was bumped abruptly from her hazy dream by a loud thudding noise leading up the stairs, trailed by a softer patter of feet behind.

Mallie's foggily grabbed at her sheets and pulled them over her head, she knew what was coming.

And, earlier than she might have wanted, Mallie's door swung open to amplify her mother's voice:

"Mal, sweetheart, it's time to get up."

She glanced over at her daughter's attempt to flee the responsibility of getting up and pulled open the curtains.

The covers weren't enough.

Katherine wasted no time in yanking the blankets from her daughter's bed;

"Mallie, we're going to Diagon Alley."

"Why?" A muffled whine came from beneath a large stuffed dragon.

"I'm meeting for breakfast with Liz, she's bringing Charlie."

Mallie's peeked up from her bed at her mother, "Charlie?"

"Yes, now go get ready. We're leaving in an hour."

Her mother then made her way out Mallie's room, but not before shouting a reminder to feed Shark.

The bird snapped his beak from the corner indignantly. Mallie laughed.

Pearl, who had been standing quietly and obediently behind her mother, came pattering up beside Mallie's bed, having to stand slightly on her toes to see Mallie.

"Would Miss Mallie like anything for breakfast before she leaves? Some eggs? A cup of coffee? Maybe a slice of toast?"

Mallie smiled at Pearl, the elf's eyes shining brightly.

"A piece of toast will be fine, thanks Pearl."

She nodded enthusiastically and exited Mallie's room humming a tune.

She sighed loudly and looked towards the large cage placed beside her window.

Shark's black eyes followed her and he squawked loudly at Mal, his brown and grey feathers ruffling.

It seems she wasn't the only one rudely awoken.

"Not even the damn bird can get a couple hours sleep."


"Mallie! Go passed Ashton's room and tell him we're going if he wants anything."

Mallie sighed stopping in her tracks halfway down the stairs and made her way back up a few steps towards her brother's room.

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