Chapter 1: He's new

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Sarah pov

        "Beep" "beep" "beep" "beep"
Suddenly my arm slammed the snooze button as fast as I could. I snuggle back into my pillow hoping to fall into deep sleep, God must have said I must rise at this moment cause I was awakened by a heavy wait on top of me. "Chase get off " I screamed into my pillow.

My annoying twin brother just chuckle cause he could make out what I said, why are siblings so very annoying and rude. "Now why would I do that" he said as I was beginning to lose air.

"Loosing to......" he got up and left when I couldn't finish my sentence. One day his wife won't take this kinda shit and will turn him into a better man, well at least I hope she does.

       I got up and took a shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth and headed for the stairs. As I came down I heard my dad say breakfast is ready. My dad looks just like us. Well except are hair, we got that from are mother.  I looked to see my dad with his newly grown beard that had a few gray hairs. He smiled at me while he dished out breakfast.

"Dad sorry but I don't have time for breakfast Cara is waiting" Cara is my best friend, she's a strawberry blonde and has hazel eyes, we've been best friends since 1st grade. She texted me she was outside waiting, 5 minutes ago.

"Oh and dad, Chase and I are going to the school dance so can I sleepover at Cara's please"I pleaded.

He sighed "alright but come home tomorrow before dinner"

I looked at him confused "why" I questioned.

"we're having dinner with our new neighbor which is my old friend now goodbye, I love you" he said.

"Ok love you to" I say while basically running out the door, feeling the slight breeze of the sunny day in California.

   When I got in I was bombarded with questions "Did you hear about the hot new teacher" "how is Chase" "is Chase coming to the dance" and "do you think Chase will ask me"

If you guessed that Cara likes Chase then you guessed right never mind she's head over heels for him, literally she has an obsession. I don't mind though because he likes her to and if there meant for each other I won't stand in the way. I just wish my brother had the balls to ask her out for once. Anyways I stopped her rant and asked her about the new teacher, I mean I'm not gonna drool over the guy like the rest of the girls and gay guys in my school will, I just feel like I haven't seen anybody hot in awhile so hopefully he makes up for it. "Yeah he is the new French teacher people said he is a little old like past 25 but not 30 and obviously he still has his Greek looks" she says with a smirk.
"Wow you are to deep in gossip" I laughed as she parked her car. My thoughts started to wonder about the new teacher.

          We parted ways to our fist period but before I got to mine I hit this hard wall and I lost my balance and almost fell until these big pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and I realized I didn't hit a wall, I hit a man and normally I would be pulling away in disgust, but I felt these tingles go up through my spine. You know they say your soulmate gives you tingles. I shook those thoughts away and I looked up only to be met with 2 gorgeous green eyes that made me get lost in them. I was swooning over a guy who I didn't even know, this can't be right.

      I examined the rest of him and wooh let me tell you he is a tall drink of water, tan skin with dark hair. I thought my type was blondes but I can't help but drool over him. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard his voice. "Miss don't you have class to attend" he smirked as if he knew I checked him out. Did I hear him right he just asked if I have a class to attend, No 'are u alright?' or 'you ok?'.

"Yes I do and "thx" for asking if I was ok " I said as I ripped myself from his grasp and walked away. Why are all the hot ones jerks I thought to myself.....

Just wanted to right something new, hope whoever reads this likes it. You can check my other stories if you like and sorry if theres any mistakes.

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