104. A Narry Fact (91)

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A Narry Fact:

So now, we're gonna talk about an interview with Ellen when the boys were talking about their relationships. And I promise, I won't overreact like I did with Olivia.

Niall is first to raise his hand, while Harry hesitates for a moment, and after seeing Niall's reaction, he also raises his hand

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Niall is first to raise his hand, while Harry hesitates for a moment, and after seeing Niall's reaction, he also raises his hand.

Then, Ellen asks for what they look in a girl. Niall says that he looks for someone who is cute and that he can have a laugh with (and he never laughs with Harry, never), and American, but he says this just for the fans. Then, we have Harry who says he wants someone funny (Niall isn't funny at all), nice and he says to Ellen 'someone like you'.

Everybody knows about joke that Niall is related to Ellen

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Everybody knows about joke that Niall is related to Ellen. (We're not gonna talk about the fact that a few months ago, I saw a picture of 1D and I was like 'oh, Niall, you look weird' then I looked up and saw a real Niall, and I realized that at first I saw Ellen not Niall). But enough of my stupidity, Ellen says to Harry 'I'd look for someone like me for you', and Harry is first to point at Niall. Zayn says 'no, no!', and in comments everybody said he was jealous, but he is actually laughing at it. Then, Liam, who's known for being Narry shipper (okay, he just seems to like the idea of Niall and Harry being together, he might be a matchmaker or something), says 'Narry!'

And this is the end, but honestly, Ellen is the best and I'm wondering why she said that. For example, what if she saw Narry being cute and maybe something more backstage?

Right now I'm in France and I'll get to Poland on Saturday so, in a few days updates will get back to normal!!!

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