Chapter Twenty-Two - Pinky Swear

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I run out of my apartment with a flashlight in my hand. The street is especially quiet since it's already past the emergency curfew. Everyone else is probably hiding in their home from a killer on the loose, while I'm going to the very place everybody fears: The Robinson's mansion.

I don't know why but the air is especially chilly tonight. I'd be lying if I say I'm not scared; after all, I am going to the same place where a girl was killed a few weeks ago. But I have no other choice. I can't just look away and do nothing when my friend is accused of murdering someone.

Believe me, I've tried. Unfortunately, my 'conscience' wouldn't let me. Now, if I want to get that good night sleep I've been missing this past couple of weeks, I have to find the truth.

"Lexi, wait!" John shouts. The guy has been pestering me with his concern about me going into the woods at midnight alone, in which he proves an excellent point. Nonetheless, now is—ironically—the safest time for me to go there.


"I told you, I'm going to be fine, you—"

All of a sudden I feel a strong, cold force around my left wrist, as if someone is grabbing it. I turn around in an instant and glance at my wrist. John's hand is wrapped around it, gripping it tightly. Slowly, I drag my gaze upwards until our eyes meet. The darkness prevents me from seeing his face clearly, but the small light from the street lamp helps me see a glimpse of his expression. There's determination in his green eyes; the kind that makes me pause and flinch.

It seems I have no choice but to hear what he has to say. Very slowly, I drop my right hand to my side.

Not letting go of my wrist, he steps closer towards me. "Alexis," his tone lowers, "I know you're trying to help, I know you do. But do you really have to go this far? What if—God! What if something happens to you too? I just lost someone I cared about and I can't..."

He looks away and swallows. For just a moment, I swear I can see a tinge of sadness in his eyes, which makes me wonder: What happened to him? Did he remember something from his past? Somehow, I have a strong feeling this isn't the man I met a week ago, not anymore. Something changed inside him, something dark, yet it isn't the scary kind of darkness. More like... pain. I have never—God forbids—lost someone dear to me yet, so I can only imagine what it must've felt like.

"Look, I just..." He looks up for a while before bringing his gaze back to me. "You're the only person I have right now. And if I have to lose you too?" He shrugs lightly. "I don't know what I would do."

The desperation in his voice defeats me at last. I take a deep breath before continuing, "I think you should know something. I know I should've told you this sooner, but... when I saw you before, I thought you've been through enough and you don't have to care for this crap. But..."

I breathe in before I brace myself to say the words. "The police named you as the prime suspect in Jill's murder."

I can tell he's shocked by what I said since he retracts his hand in a split second and takes a step backward. In the midst of silence, I can hear him gulp. I swear if he's not a ghost, I can probably hear his heart racing.

Poor guy. First, he wakes up as a ghost with zero memory of who he is. Then, he found his—alleged—sister dead. Worse, he's accused of murdering her. If I were him, maybe I'd go all Nina Sayers.


"I'm okay." He puts one hand up to stop me and another to cover his gaping mouth. "I'm okay."

The silence that comes afterward is killing me. I have no idea what to say, what to do, or even what to think. A part of me is relieved that I said those words in darkness, to save me from more pain in seeing his reaction. But the other part of me regrets ever saying those words at all. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps I shouldn't have told him about it.

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