Chapter 3

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   Kalla walks downstairs and jumps when she sees me.
  "God dammit, Juno. Wait why are you awake?" She comes and sits next to me on the couch. I lay my head on her shoulder.
   "Because Damon isn't dead." She jumps up from anger and eximent but also sadness because he broke her heart.
  "How do you know? I thought Stefan said he died?" I nod my head.
  "I know thats why im going over there to cuss him out. You stay here because I don't need you killing anyone." She rolls her eyes but goes upstairs. I go outside remembering that I lefr my car at the grill. I groan and vamp speed to the grill. I get in the car and drive over to Stefans. I pull up and vamp speed inside pinning him up agaist the wall.
   "Why? Stefan. Why the fuck would you lie?!" I scream. The human runs upstairs hearing this commotion.
   "Leave Zach." Stefan says while I have him a choke hold.
   "Because I didn't want you to know he was alive." I throw him against the wall, his pictures and stuff falling to the ground. He gets up but I grab him again throwing him out of his room. He hits the wall. I grab him and chunk him down the stairs. I vamp speed down before he could get up. I throw him into the living room as Elena walks in.
   "Omg whats going on here?" She rushes over to Stefan. I roll my eyes when I hear.
   "Yeah what is going on here?" I hear the coldness in his voice. I turn to him and look back at Stefan.
   "I was just leaving." I walk past Damon when he grabs my arm.
    "Don't Damon." He lets go and I walk outside. Leaving my car I run into the woods screaming. I go to the house in ruins and lay there.
   "Juno?" I look up to see Damon looking at me.
   "What Damon?" I see him flinch at my tone.
    "How are you here?" I roll my eyes at him.
    "I turned. Duh." I get up and brush yhe dirt off.
    "Who turned you?" I look at him like he was stupid.  
    "The same person who turned you." He clenches his fist. I go to leave but he grabs my arm before I can say anything he stops me.
   "I need to explain." I sigh but sit down anyway.
   "Okay so when I was in transition me and Stefan said that we weren't going to go through with it. Katherine was dead and you had dad. So he leaves to do god know what but he comes back. With a girl and blood all over his face. I thought he harmed you bug he told me he killed dad. Said that you already died. So he made me turn. I thought you were dead and I was to scared to see Kalla because I figured that she would have called me a monster. So I left and promised Stefan an entirety filled with misery. I didn't find out that you were alive until yesterday." I stand up and slap him.
   "Fuck you and fuck Stefan. You madenthe choice not to come see if I was alive. You made it. And for Kalla she turned when I did. So fuck yourself Damon. I needed you. Do you understand?! I fucking needed you!" I scream the last bit. Tears running down my face. I fall to the ground and Damon wraps his arms around me. Rocking me back and forth like he use to. I lean into him. I finish crying and push him away. Ashamed with myself that I cried in front of him.
   "Why are you here? Would you like to see Kalla?" He looks away ashamed.
   "Im trying to find Katherine. And I don't think that she would want to see me." I stand up and tap his shoulder telling him to follow me. We walk back to my car when Elena walks up to me and slaps me in my face.
    "Thats for hurting Stefan and telling me that he would break my heart. Not all guys are like that." I just laugh and she looks at me like im crazy.
    "Oh you thought that I care about you or Stefan. I could kill him and not care. You wanna know why?" She shakes her head and I bend down and whisper.
   "Because he doesn't care about you. The only reason he is with you is because you look just like his ex. So better leave while you can." I back away and go to get in my car when Elena says.
   "Really? Because it look like to me that your just jealous because he doesn't pay you any attention. Your just an attention whore." I turn my head to see Stefan looking at me worried. While Damon doesn't know what to think.
    "Me. And attention whore. At least I didn't fuck my brothers girlfriend. Or keep secrets from their lover. So you think that you know me?" I walk up to her and compel her.
   "Stay still. Don't move. Don't scream. Just watch the show." I vamp speed over to Stefan and snap his neck. I go up to his room and grab the picture of Katherine and bring it to her.
   "Now when he gets up you will listen to him trying to explain himself. Do what you think is best and drink this. I hand her a cup of vervain. She drinks it and I get in my car waiting for Damon to get in. Damon gets in and I drive to my place. I pull up to the house and holler at Kalla.
   "Bring the lady upstairs so she can invite someone in!" I hear Kalla groan and vamp speed to the human. She opens the door and she stops completely frozen.
    "Invite him in." The lady does and Damon comes in. He walks closer to Kalla but she backs away. Finally able to grasp whats going on she slaps Damon and starts yelling.
   "Why the fuck are you here? You need to leave! You aren't welcome!" I walk downstairs throwing the lady in the room with some more food. I hear the yelling stop and I walk upstairs to see Kalla and Damon making out. I gag and walk out the house not about to listen to them fuck. I walk around when Stefan sees me and runs over. I roll my eyes.
    "What Stefan?"
    "Elena has been taken."

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