As the game started I got into my position and before I knew it the game started. The center passed it to one of the other Midfielders Taylor who passed it to me and I immediately scored.

As the game continued we continued to score and had good defense. In the end we ended up winning 6-1 due to a penalty kick which allowed the other team to score.

"Hey good job out there." Tanner said running towards me with his arms wide open and Julian right beside him. "Thanks little one." I laughed while patting his head.

"Nice game, I bet I could've defended you better though considering That team sucked." "Yeah okay." "Ooh I would wanna see a little 1 v 1 action." Tanner said encouraging something that already happened. "Oh I'll show you some 1 v 1 action." He said and then threw me over his shoulder.

"Julian put me down!" I demanded trying to be serious while laughing. "Sorry I'm gonna beat you at your little game." "No Tanner help!" "Nah I'm enjoying this." He laughed.

"Morgan." I heard Noah's voice call from behind. After Julian kept me on his shoulder while he turned to Noah. "What's up?" he asked getting defensive. "I wanna talk to Morgan." "She's all yours, I'll see you later." He said putting me down and walking away with Tanner.

"Great job today." He said and then kissed my cheek unexpectedly. "Um thanks." "I forgot how hot you were in your warmup."he winked  "yeah I am pretty hot, what is it like 80 degrees and I'm in a long sleeve shirt." "What?" "Nothing." I joked hinting that I knew exactly what he was doing.

"Well I'm gonna head home to get ready but I'll see you later." "Yeah bye." I waved relieved that he was leaving since the flirt attempt was so bad.

"Hey crazy girl your brother took your car I'm bringing you home." Julian pulled up on the side. "Of course he did he hates me." "Well he doesn't hate me." He winked.

After he drove in silence all the way to my house. I was exhausted but I made a promise to him that I would still go to the party.

"So what time are you coming back?", I asked. "Im actually not leaving I'm gonna wait for you." "Julian it's okay to get ready and then come back." "It's all good I'm all set." "Okay whatever you say."

After I quickly picked out an outfit, brushed out my hair, and applied new makeup to my face. Before I ran out to the car I also grabbed an apple so that I didn't end up starving or drinking anything without food in my system.

I quickly ran back to the car before my sister would come to the car and be all over Julian. As I got in I noticed Julian staring me up and down.

"Sorry for taking awhile I needed to eat a little something." "Nah that's okay." He said throwing his arm around my chair. "Lexi should be out in a few." "Sounds good."

After we sat there is silence for a few minutes. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but held it off. "You do know that these parties get out of hand." I blurted out trying not to make things awkward. "Yeah Khalid told me about this one time where you got super drunk and you could barely walk and-" "don't bring that up." I hit his shoulder playfully.

"You look great tonight by the way." "Eh I don't know if I could say that same thing about you." "Wow no love for me?" "Nope."

"Man I miss those days in California when there wasn't a care in the world and  wasn't expected to always be places, you know?" "Yeah I like starting fresh where no one knows me . I hate always being asked questions about the breakup." "I agree, when I left home for vacation I was relieved not only because vacations are always a good escape, but also because there was shit that was started before I left. That story is for another time though."

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