covered in the colors // art festival au (multiship)

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***a/n:  jkdjfidighkdg sorry for the delay on antivenom and the hg fic lack of motivation is a bitch :( :( :( anyway i was at an art festival today and i got a fic idea so here we go***

so basically--

it's one of those art festivals the city holds with food and music and street artists and people selling paintings and prints and jewelry and things?  and lynn has photo prints and sketches and she's got a booth next door to halsey who paints and stuff, and they're cute and shy and they compliment each other's work.  the festival takes place over the course of a weekend in the middle of august, and it's super hot so they're like hey let's go out for drinks so we don't die of heatstroke and they do, and it's cute, and yes.

meanwhile gerard's promoting his comic book and highkey dying in the heat (lol poor guy), but then frank comes to rescue him by distracting him with those portable fans and ice water and generally being a pain in the ass, but an endearing pain in the ass.

dallon's also in this and he's playing guitar at his own drawing booth ('cuz the man can draw, guys, he has a deviantart and everything), and ryden's probably around here somewhere, probably performing with presplit panic (which is alive and well in this universe shhhhh i can pretend).

but what about fall out boy, you ask?

turns out they have a gig at the festival!  and patrick's the first person to stop by halsey's booth and halsey is so thrilled.

and patrick's super-nice and adorable going through and complimenting all the paintings, and halsey's blushing super-hard, and meanwhile lynn's watching from next door like ugh i'm dying because of the heat, but also aww she's so cute she acts like she's never been complimented before aww...

patrick's also suffering in the heat, but there's this piece he really really likes and he really really wants to buy it but goddamnit, he left his wallet in the car.   and then their gig is starting and he's like oh shit i gotta go sorry and halsey's like nah it's fine, but when patrick leaves she's disappointed because she really really wanted to sell something.

(but wait there's more)

because then pete shows up at halsey's booth and is like hey did a dude in a fedora come by here earlier, and halsey's like omg yeah he did and pete's like did he wanna buy anything?  what did he wanna buy, and halsey's like well he wanted this, and it's this really nice portrait of a girl at a piano or something music-inspired because we all know patrick loves his music.

so then pete's like i'll take itdo you have change for a hundred and halsey's like wow ok, and pete's like never mind, keep the change, i'll just take the painting and long story short that's how halsey sells her first painting.  to a dorky, stupidly infatuated pete wentz.

and of course patrick stops by later and is super-disappointed when he finds out halsey sold his painting, and halsey feels bad and starts to explain herself, but then pete shows up and is like hey you'll never guess what i got you for christmas and patrick is like you asshole but he's blushing, and everything's okay and cute and there's probably a lot of pda, awww.

and yes, everyone is still hot and lowkey miserable but they're all in love so it doesn't matter.

the end.

(wow this was one fluffy ramble)

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