Getting Sick Of Your Shit

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When I woke up, it was no surprise that I was tied to a chair once again. I knew struggling did Jack shit. So I just waited.
Anti soon walked in with Dark by his side.
"Well hello Y/N." Dark said walking over to me and whispering in my ear.
"Always a pleasure."
I sighed.
"Clever joke Dark. Yes I know you like to rape, anything else I should know?"
I had no Idea where his burst of courage came from but I was Mclovin it. Anti started to snicker.
"Anti, please." Dark said with disgust and annoyance.
Anti stopped talking and waited. Dark smiled at me.
"Cute." In an instant Dark had slapped my face. Hard. I screamed out in the sudden burning sensation on my face.
"Real fucking cute."
I sighed and waited.
Dark leaned in to my ear and whispered.
"I could fuck the shit out of you, and you know it." Dark then proceeded to lightly kiss my neck. I looked at Anti who was trying hard to contain his evident annoyance towards Darks actions.
I started to squirm under Dark and arch my back. I felt Dark smirk against my skin. And with a snap I was yet again the the red room of pain.(Yes, red room of pain is a reference. Please someone know what it's from)
I was now tied down to the bed. I sighed and Dark crawled on top of me.
Dark smirked and attacked my neck again. I arched my back but successfully covered up a moan. Dark started to laugh.
"You know I can read thoughts. I've seen you, I know what you like and where you like it."
Dark started to kiss lower on my body, stopping at my stomach.
I started to breath heavily.
Dark got off me and walked over to a nearby set of drawers.
He came back with the cord and suction thing that Anti was supposed to use yesterday.
Dark quickly untied me. Just to tie me to a low hanging rope connected to the ceiling. My arms were pinned above my head feet thankfully making contact with the ground. I looked down. Full of shame.
Dark grabbed a sharp knife out of the back of his pocket. Cutting his way up my shirt and down the sleeves. Peeling it off my body.
I felt something stick to me, just under my would be bra line. Another 2 on my stomach. It was the suction things but I still didn't know what they were. The wires went down to the floor across and over to a black battery. I looked at Dark who was holding a small black remote with a red button on it.
I second later I felt electrical shocks throughout my entire body.
"Fucking Christ!" I screamed. It hurt beyond belief but no matter what I did, I knew it wouldn't stop.
Dark walked up to me faces mere inches from each other.
"Come on princess admit it,"
I stayed completely silent. Dark came closer and whispered in my ear.
"You're into this, aren't you?"
Another shock went throughout my body and I arched my back. Dark started to laugh. I started to cry.
"Please stop." I said through tears.
"Now why would I do a thing like that?" Dark asked. Anger was building up inside me and I needed to do something about it.
"You're a fucking psychopath!" I screamed.
Dark looked displeased and with yet another snap, I was back in the concrete box called a cell. I looked down where the auctions were. The marks that were left mercy much resembled hickeys. A walked over to Mark and Jack, and did nothing but sit down and wait.
"Anti, you can go. Ill only be but a moment." Anti sadly nodded and slowly walked out of the room without a second glance.
Dark walked over to me and I kept my head down. He knelt in front of me and cupped my chin to look at him.
"Honey, I'm not just a psychopath. I'm a high functioning one."
I sighed and whispered.
"Fuck me." I said out of annoyance. Dark smirked.
"That can always be easily arranged sweetheart."

The world went black.

"I'm getting real sick of your shit Dark."

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