Chapter 84 : Year 4

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"So...can you tell me who I'm changing into now?" I asked the Weasley twins as George shoved a goblet of bubbling, black Polyjuice Potion in my face. The three of us had crammed ourselves into the ground floor prank closet immediately after breakfast, which was where we were now huddled together rather awkwardly.

"I think this should give you a pretty good hint," Fred said as he pulled out a darkly colored man's outfit from behind his back. "This will be your attire for the day, Fitz. Like it?"

"Mm, love it," I hummed sarcastically as I reluctantly received the clothes and the goblet in my hands.

"We'll be waiting in the entrance hall to see the new you, Fitz," Fred told me with a playful wink.

I took in a deep breath as the twins scurried out, leaving me to change into the oversized outfit and chug down the putrid drink. Some of it was chunky, getting stuck in my throat and causing me to gag, while other gulps went down smoothly with almost a sweeter taste; overall, this batch of Polyjuice Potion left my mouth and my stomach with a mildly less revolted sensation than the last time I had used the potion, yet my body morphed to a much greater extent. Longer legs, thicker torso, shorter, greasier hair...

With my chest puffed out in a dignified manner and my face twisted into a cold expression, I stepped out into the entrance hall, which was now completely void other than the two identically grinning twins.

"Well, Melody's Polyjuice Potion didn't kill you, Fitz," Fred announced casually.

"It is a bit creepy how well you're imitating his facial expression though..." George said, observing me with uneasiness.

I cleared my throat before attempting my deepest, dullest voice. "Why are you two...lurking in the entrance hall...?"

"Mm, no, you just ruined it," George said, shaking his head with disappointment.

"She's not very good at the voice, Georgey. Good thing we assumed you'd be rotten at it," Fred said as he slipped his hand into his pocket and then pulled out a large, clear bag of purple gummies. "A whole batch of Snape Grapes, just for you, Fitz."

"Gee, thank you," I droned in my girly, sarcastic tone, a tone that seemed to disturb George even further, given that it was coming from Severus Snape's mouth.

Fred roughly and uncomfortably shoved the bag into my hand before continuing. "Those five shiny grapes at the top will last you about an hour each, but then after that..."

"After that what?" I questioned, slipping the bag into the pocket of my black cloak.

"After that you'll have to eat one before every sentence," George replied apologetically. "We didn't have time to make more of our longer lasting grapes."

"Well, that'll be a bit tedious, but I'll manage," I assured them with a head nod that whipped some of my oily hair into my eyes. I swiped it out of the way before adding, "Thanks."

"Now, do you really think 'thanks' is something Snape would say to us?" Fred questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"Or to anyone, really," George added matter-of-factly.

"Oh, right-er-" I paused to pop a shiny Snape Grape into my mouth before continuing. "Get to class, before I take all points away from Gryffindor."

"That sounds about right," George reckoned, nodding contently.

"Have fun teaching your class, Snape," Fred sang, his eyes getting ready to fire a wink until they really scanned my face and registered that it was not my own. After that, he and George only mustered awkward waves before hurrying up the staircase.

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