Chapter 26 : Year 2

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I spent the next two weeks trying to counter whatever bewitchment Malfoy had put on my textbooks. On the first day of classes, all of the Slytherins had thought it was utterly hilarious that every one of my books announced that I was a "Mudblood" whenever I opened them. By the time two weeks had passed, though, all of my peers had grown so annoyed by it that Astoria forced me to share all of her books with her all the time. Luckily, Lupin was finally able to find a counter-curse, although it wasn't necessarily a pleasant experience.

Malfoy and his goons thought the entire thing was hysterical, however. They always made it a huge mockery when I opened my book in Defense Against the Dark Arts. They'd all roar with laughter while I just rolled my eyes and looked to Ron, Harry, and Hermione, who all gave me expressions of pity.

However, after two horrible weeks of being reminded of my Mudblood-ness during every period, I had one thing to look forward to: the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor Quidditch match. And no, I had not forgotten about the task that Fred and George had given me before winter break: I would sabotage Malfoy with Snake Spawn Soap.

Draco Malfoy had an odd habit of showering right before Quidditch matches. Astoria was convinced that he did this because he wanted to look his best for the games. I was convinced that he was just a daft, conceited freak that needed some snakes in his shower.

I was able to sneak into the third year boys' room while they were at breakfast that morning. After that, all I had to do was wait up in my bed to hear the screams of Draco Malfoy as he ran through the halls in his towel looking for me. Since I was hiding up in my bed this time, he wouldn't be able to tackle me to the ground... I only hoped that he wasn't daring enough to jump up into my bed and try to attack me. Oh—oh, no—that would definitely be worse—

Before I could rethink my hiding position, I heard the shrieking screams that echoed through the halls. These didn't sound like Malfoy's screams, though; they were deeper and less dramatic. And when the victim ran down the hall past my open door, he did not at all resemble Malfoy; this boy had dark hair, a circular face, and definitely no abs under his flubby gut.

I scrambled to sit up in my bed as I muttered angrily to myself. Of course stupid Crabbe had to use the Snake Spawn Soap before Malfoy! Why did the Slytherins all feel the need to take showers before Quidditch games? It was completely unnecessary, considering most of them would never smell good no matter how many showers they took—

"Good try Mudblood, but don't think you can outwit me twice," Draco Malfoy drawled as he leaned his shoulder on my doorway. He had a green apple in his hand, which he tauntingly took a bit of before continuing. "Did you really think I'd be daft enough to fall for your soap trick twice? I recognized that bar of soap."

"And you didn't tell Crabbe?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

He snorted sarcastically. "Should I have?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling the heat of anger in my chest. "That prank wasn't meant for him—"

"Sorry, Lainey, I had to use some of your conditioner," Ashley said as she stepped out of our bathroom, wearing only a towel. The steam from the shower followed her as she walked into the room. "Astoria uses all of mine because she wants her hair to look perfect—whoa! Boy! Oh—blimey—this—well, have you seen Adrian in a towel before? Because if not, then I can tell him that you saw me first—"

"Put on some clothes, please, Ashley," I droned as Malfoy snickered in the doorway. He took an amused bite of his apple as he stared at Ashley, and I wanted to punch him in the face.

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