Chapter 6-Party

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Kara's Pov

I was standing in Alex and Maggie's kitchen, drinking a velvet red and sweet drink that they where serving to the guests,who currently where to be found in the living room.The drinks was't affecting me, and I kind of wished I had something to calm the nerves, actually my hands where shaking when picking up another glass and eating the small pieces of fruit that floated on the top. 

 I was alone in the big modern white kitchen, standing beside their kitchen island. I was kind of hiding too, not in a mood to talk to the people out there who was making a lot of noise talking to one another. I was't prepared for seeing her either.

 Yesterday we had that good talk, we kind of had spilled etch others emotions on one another and then cried a lot. But it felt good. Still pretty nervous. But, we where friends again and that was all that meant something. Alex walked into my thinking session smiling childishly at me.  

"Hiii Kara. Are you waiting for your giiirlfrieeeend?" Clearly a little intoxicated.

I stared at her, giggling a little to her face she made when she saw that I had drank a lot of the glasses that had been prepared for the guests, and still felt a little sticking pain in my chest.

"Well let's not call her that, because that is gonna make me cry."

Alex shook her head walking over to the big black fridge opening the door and taking out some more bottles. She raised her eyebrows and pointed at a bottle that seemed a little different to the others.

"This is yours," she said grinning proudly. I studied the bottle not understanding why this one was just mine.

"It's alcohol for your people," Alex took a new glass from one of the cabins, giggling.

I stared at her, not knowing she had went to the alien bar and get that for me. Alex poured the clear liquid in the glass and putted it in my hand.

"It will calm your nerves." She winked at me and took a sip out of her own drink. I was still feeling bad from the last time I drank, hating the thought of being out of control. 

Maggie entered the kitchen closing the big glass doors carefully before turning around.

"Alex, honey, your annoying friend just came now, you should go and say hey." 

Alex smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

Maggie raised her eyebrows at the glass in my hand.

"Party tonight, little Danvers?"

"Well, uh..yeah I guess."

Maggie smirked at me knowing why I had such nerves.

"It will be fine, little Danvers. I saw the way she was looking at you yesterday at the resturant. That look was't just friendly. She looked at you with such affection. I know i'm right when it concerns this kind of love situations." She smiled at me and turned around to scan the other room through the doors with her gaze. She mouthed to me smiling big:

"She is here."

I took a big sip of the liquid in the glass trying to keep the calm I had left. It tasted bitter and it burned in my throat on the way down.

Lena joined us and greeted the host politely. She was looking as stunning as always. She was wearing a tight black dress with a golden winding pattern. Her hair was loose and she put a stray behind her ear, looking at me with a smile on her red lips.

She chatted briefly whit Maggie, they had been on good terms for a while now, but it was still a little awkward that Maggie had arrested her once. 

"Well, I should get out to talk to the people outside too," Maggie said and winked at me. She left us alone in the kitchen. 

I felt my cheeks heathen and I tried not to drink too much, but I took a big sip of the bitter liquid again, needing to calm my nerves before saying hi for real.

"So this seems like a great place." Lena said walking towards me and looking around in the kitchen.

"Yeah, it really is. So, how have your friday been?" I said tying to start a conversation, handing her a glass with whiskey, knowing her favorite and asked Alex to pick up some. 

"It was alright, a lot of meetings, and you? Oh thank you", she said, taking the glass, still inspecting the place, taking a sip.

"Oh no big deal. A lot of writing."

"I love the big windows," she said, walking over the grey floor with her heels clicking to the wooden floor, over to the windows and looking out. She looked like she thought a lot, lost in her thinking while gazing over the nighttime city. I joined her and stood beside her watching her reflection in the dark glass, the city's lights dancing on her skin.  

"Look!" she said, sounding a little shooked. 

"Thats L-corp, isn't it?" She still gazed on the view. 

"It looks like it," I said, seeing another familiar place. 

"That's the park from yesterday, right?" I watched her face changing from amusement to seriousness.

"I guess so." she turned around to face me. I tried not to think about how close we actually was standing, not knowing what to say. 

"Are you okay?" She bit her lip , staring right into my eyes, definitely thinking about our conversation yeasterday. 

"I think I actually am, are you?" 

"Yes. But.." 

Alex interrupted us, opening the doors and telling us it was eating time. 


While sitting at the big table, greeting everyone that was there, it was easier to interact without it becoming inconvenient. I was placed right across from Lena, with Maggie and some friend of them beside me. I was watching Lena talking with the one who was sitting beside her. They where discussing something that had to do with corporations. They looked like they enjoyed  their conversation very much. 

I could't help it, I felt a little jealous. When I thought about it, I kind of felt jealous of everyone who was near her and especially the ones she laid her attention on. 

Lenas Pov

I felt Kara watch me as I gestured and talked with the guy sitting next to me. I felt a little amused that she was watching so intensely. I tried not to stare back, losing my concentration on the talking guy, just trying not to move my head to the right, where she was sitting, right in front of me. When the guy went to the bathroom I turned my head and saw her looking right in my eyes smiling. I automatically smiled back at her cute face. Not being able to tear my gaze from her ocean eyes sparkling.  

Alex came in from the kitchen, holding the dessert, taking Kara's stare from me. I actually felt a little disappointed, and another funny and warm feeling in my stomach. Kara's attention was on the food all happy eating her ice cream.  

I drank some more wine, emptying another glass. I had a big tolerance against alcohol, but I was starting to feel a little fuzzy. I hated the feeling of not belonging. There where a lot of people in this room, all talking and laughing. I wanted to be alone with Kara so much, so we could talk. I wanted to say that I too have had mixed feelings. Not something I would want to share with a table of strangers. I took the bottle of wine pouring up another drink. 


Hi! Thank you so much for reading. I will try to release the next chapter as soon as possible. Leave a comment for feedback or thoughts!:)

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