Chapter 2-Obsessed

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Karas Pov

The weeks passed by and I did't feel like myself anymore. Everything felt very different. The days usually passed by rather quickly, and they used to be so fun. Now the days were long and boring. And it did't fell good different, like bad, I don't want this, different.

Sure I had my sister to talk to and some people at the DEO, but it was not the same as when I talked about stuff with Lena. And I felt so, so lonely. I really missed Lena. She was my very best friend and she was so great, with her perfect smirk and sparkling emerald eyes, her cute butt and...

I stopped myself from thinking any more. This was not going well with this avoiding thing. I had not seen her since I told her how I really felt and it was terrible. But I knew I was not ready to be friends right now. I had't heard from her either actually, I thought. Maybe she did't think about it. I sat on my soft couch and brooded. 

My heart nearly stopped in my chest when I received a text from her that said:

"Hi, how are you doing?"

I was so happy to see her name on my cellphone screen that I nearly jumped up my sofa. But, I decided not to answer right away. I did't want to see like I just waited for her to text me.  Which was what I really was doing, unconsciously. And I know how carried away I could get and I just did't want the conversation getting weird. After a LOT of overthinking and staring out of my window, I decided to answer.

"Hi. Im okey. How are you?" It took me like an hour to decide to write that. Why was I so obsessed? I mean, sure Lena was perfect in every way there was, but I mean come on. I got an answer a minute after saying:

"Im okey. miss you a lot thought."

I squealed at the text and felt my heart pumping really fast. Why. Why, why, why, why, was I so exited? Well to be fair the woman i liked a lot had said she misses me. Made sense, I thought.

" I miss you too Lena." I wrote. My whole body felt warm and my stomach was filled with butterflies. I waited patiently laying on the couch for another answer, but nothing happened in a while. Then the next text came. I shot up to check the phone.

"Hey, what you up to?"

I read with confusion the text and then checked the name. Alex Danvers. I sighed and fell down on the couch again. I answered the text and then laid there just thinking about the first time I met Lena.

She had taken my breath away, talking about how she wanted to change the impression of the name Luthor. I thought she was so impressive.

I did'nt admit to really like like her to anyone until about a month ago when I talked with Alex.

I for one did not know that I liked her like that. Or maybe I knew deep deep down the entire time. I just thought we where the best of best friends. Well, we where best friends, but then I just talked and talked and talked about her with Alex. About our lunches, about the flowers she filled my office with, about how I felt when I hugged her and stared in to her beautiful emerald eyes. How every little detail of her I absorbed and how beautiful she was. How much I enjoyed her company. Alex figured it out before me, and one day Alex had stared at me and said:

"Oh my god Kara! you like her! and chuckled at my confused face.

"Well of corse i like her, she's my best friend!"

"No, not like that, you LIKE like her!"

I laughed at the idea and adjusted my glasses.

Alex looked amused at my answer and said:

"You do'nt know it yet Kara. But from what I heard, you REALLY like her. You blabbed about how beautiful she is, how her appearance make you nervous but so happy and that you feel a strong connection to her."

I denied it over and over again.

"I was with Mon-el! We are best friends!" turned after a week of denying and talking about it late at night with Alex to: "But even if it was like that, she don'nt like me back in that way!"

 And I realized, that yeah I liked Mon-el, but I liked Lena in that way too. When Mon-el had to leave I was miserable, truly unhappy and sad, but Lena's company had made it easier. She had brought food and drinks at my apartment every night and stayed over so that I did't have to be alone. Alex came over the first couple nights too, but then she realized that she could safely leave me with Lena. And Alex had shown me that it was okay to like who you liked, and that made my realization so much  easier too.

I fell asleep on the sofa, tired of thinking.

I heard a terrible, terrible sound of a phone, and opened my sleepy eyes. It was still dark outside and I picked up.

"Hello?" said my raspy voice. I could't see who called, the screen was to bright when I tried to look at it. "Need you at the DEO..." was all I needed to hear before I flied away in super speed.

When I arrived, Alex and John was waiting for me at the main entrance.  

"We need you to check this place out. There's been some strange activity going on at a old factory at the harbor."

"What kind of activity that would require Supergril?"

"The one that is dangerous to humans", Alex said knowing my wish to sleep this time of the day would make me grumpy. 


Hi! hope you liked it, so happy to see people reading my story. :) Also, sorry for the chapters being short, im new at this so yeah. Next chapter probably will be Lenas Pov. Feel free to leave a comment!

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