The Message- AFTER LIFE

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So! How's everyone xD I know, I know! Best greeting ever!!! Anyways, let us continue to the story :3 I got the title idea from Clannad so give it a great "your welcome" gift!! Also, :D SHOUT OUT!! IF YOU GOT A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT, PLEASE LIKE THE PAGE "Otaku Adapters"!!!! Enjoy~


-America walked out of the cemetery feeling sad as ever, but happy that he could meet Arthur at his grave for the first time. While walking out, he hummed the melody England sang for him when he was young." So much memories that are going to be left behind huh, England?" America sang aloud.

Suddenly, a little boy bumped into America making a huge collision. They both fell onto the hard solid ground. The little boy shouted," OUCH! Watch where you're going!!" America clicked his tongue and shouted back," WATCH WHERE YOU'RE- hmm? E-England?!"

The little boy asked rudely," WHAT, Dimwit! You know me?! Me, the Great Britain! HA! Ya right."

America blinked multiple times before asking," Your England?"

He little boy replied," YA! So what?"

"REALLY?! But, but-" America was shocked.

"Woah, I didn't know I was that powerful that I'll actually make a grown man shock!" England declared.

America lost all of his control and bear-hugged onto the "new" or "reincarnated" England. He cried," You reincarnated just like what I wished for! How?!" England blinked rapidly. He asked," Are you..... A country, too?

America nodded with snot and tears rolling down his face." Yes! I am!! I'm Alfred F. Jones!! Al!! America!! US!!" England blinked twice and said," Oh...... Are you, by any chance, in a relationship?" England thought," What am I saying!! He's SOO old!! But then, my inner self is telling me to get him before he disappears. What is this feeling?"

America then snapped England out of his thoughts by saying," Yes, I'm in a relationship." England was surprised yet he said," Oh, well umm- alright. Uh- I need to go now, see you some day!" Then he dashed off.

Alfred sighed and mumbled," I hope you live a better life now, England. I'm sorry I lied. It's not you, it's your new self and I can't bare to do the same thing again with a kid 20 years younger than me. I'm sorry. But, I AM in a relationship. I'm with your dead self."

America continued to walk away, and the laser words he said was," Wait for me. I'll be there, by your side soon.".


This is the AFTER LIFE!!! XD I made England reincarnate into a person again and he's already 7 years-old!!! Yay! I successfully finished this fanfiction!! Well, I hope you guys read my other stories and please vote, follow, comment, or/and add the stories into you library :) It's simple. Just one click of the button and you'll make me SUPER DOOPER LOOPER HAPPY!!!! •^• Like I said, I love you guys~

Bye bye~!!! 👋💫🌸

( ∂ ω ∂) + ( o̿ ̭ o̿ ) = ♥

╰(✿✪㉨✪)☞ Thank you for....

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