Hetalia USUK- The Message

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Hetalia!!! USUK Fanfic!!! No flagging :)

So! This fanfic will be about America/Alfred and England/Arthur!! If you think it's going to be a smut yaoi, well you're wrong :P This will just be a regular fanfic about these two guys! Yes, it is sorta yaoi since England and America like each other, but they're just dating! Not in that relationship yet or maybe never MUHAHAHAHA!! Jk :3


Fanfiction, anime, comedy, tragedy, and violence (a bit)

Some cursing form the Great United Kingdom, England, Britain, UK.

America's POV

While I was eating some awesome burgers, I was worried and mad about just one itty-bitty problem that any hero can overcome!! What is taking England so long to mail me back? I've sent him more than 100 letters, emails, and texts, but none of them were replied!! The weirdest thing was, when I traveled over to his country, I was met with 2 guards who told me I needed permission to enter! That was super up side down!! England would normally be called to the gate and welcome me into The country, but he wasn't there!! And those events happened today which lead me eating a burger at WcMonald. I really was pissed off better than Scared!! He could be out of the country and at Japan's house!! But, he would still answer my messages even if he was out.

This made me confused. Is he still alive?! What am I talking about! He's the Great United Kingdom, Britain, and England!!! Oh wait. Britain and England are the same thing. Anywho, I finished all 300 burgers and was about to exit the restaurant until a loud music boomed out of nowhere. It was my phone! I should've lowered the volume before going in here, now everyone was staring at me (he just notice they were staring at him. The people were looking at him the whole time while he was eating all of those oily fast food)! I ran out of the store and began to walk casually once I was out of view from those people *shivers*.

I picked up my phone then. I answered," Hello? Alfred Jones here." The caller said," Oh, hi! This is Hungary! I'm sorry for calling you at this moment, but your check up is today. I'm at Austria's house (like always) right now. Meet me at about 30 minutes from now."

Normal POV

America nodded his head and wrote the info on his phone." Okay! I'll see you Hungary! Bye!" America shouted in the phone. She hung up and Alfred sighed. Looks like I'll have to stop my little investigation for now. I wonder if I can ask Hungary where England is!

-Hungary is a country, everyone in Hetalia is a country DUHR. She is also a doctor for America only (made this up. I do not no who to be the doctor >_< -

America ran to the White House." President!! I need to use the Sky47XX!! " the blonde shouted. Knowing the president, America knew he said yes. He finally made it to the so called "garden" and made his way to the huge green air jet. He entered the plane and buckled up before flying off. America loved to take some time and do some sight seeing before going to Hungary, however, he really wanted to know if she knew where Arthur went. He arrived at Austria's home and ran up to the door and knocked more than three times. America heard loud footsteps heading to the door. He knew doing his little knock irritated Austria, but it was needed. Austria opened the door and shouted," Shut up! I'm trying to-," he said in a sarcastic voice," Oh, why it's America." America greeted Austria and walked in not asking politely. He headed to Hungary who was cleaning the floor. Hungary then noticed America was here after hearing a "Hello!" from him.

She ran to the entrance and welcomed him," Hello America-san. Please to see you again for so long!" America replied cheerfully," me too! Anyways, not to hurt your feelings or anything. I need this check-up to be quick!" She giggled and said," Alright America-san. I'll try." She then lead him into a room where she prepared everything. America sat on a long white table then asked," So! let's begin!!!" Hungary took out her equipments needed and examined America. She was finished in about 5 minutes. Hungary told America," Everything is in good condition, America-san. Well, your check-up ended quickly!" America laughed while shouting," Your right!"

Once he finished his sentence, Austria came in and yelled," HUSH! I need to practice!" America didn't apoligize, but said," I'm the hero! Heroes never shuts up!" Austria rolled his eyes then walked away knowing that the "hero" will never give in. America remembered his question for Hungary right after." Hey, Hungary. Do you know where England is? I've been trying to communicate with him for the past few weeks and none of them were contacted." Hungary looked down making her bangs cover her emerald eyes. She soon raised her head obviously hiding something." No I haven't. You should ask someone else! Maybe France! He and you are the only ones closest to England-san!" SHe exclaimed. America raised his eyebrow, and quickly said his goodbye," Well! Okay!! See ya!!" He staggered out of the house and into his ride.

Hungary sighed heavily and turned around once she heard Austria saying," Why didn't you tell him?" Hungary smiled sadly and replied," He will find out soon. I jsut want him to have a little more time of 'fun' before knowing reality." Austria nodded in understanding and murmured, But I'd rather tell him now before I regret my descision."

America's POV

Man! Hungary was obviously hiding something! I got off of the awesome jet after a couple of minutes. On eof the president's message dogs were waiting at the entrance of the White House. He looked serious rather than carefree like me. I walked over to him and stood a few feet in front of him. He sternly yelled, well sort of like a yell," Alfred F. Jones! The president said- I am going to give you 3 days off since tomorrow is near Christmas Eve! I will not tolerate it if you are going to be late for work after your break!" I was puzzled and was about to ask why would he give me a break before Christmas Eve even started, but he walked away. I sighed and thought, I can't believe this little mystery made me forget about the best time of the year! Christmas! I started to exit the White House and back to my cozy home. I could also investigate where England is on Christmas! I thought again.

I made my way home at the same time looking at stores and food shops. I stopped at WcMonald. Some memories of me with Egland popped up in my mind. We use to eat here whenever he visited me, and England would nromally scold me for eating too much fast food. Good times back then. I continued to walk until I reached my house. Toby was inside playing some horror games. I wish I could do that right now, but I really want to find England! We can't spend time together if he isn't here!!! I dragged my feet into my room and sat down on my rolling chair.

Why isn't England answering me? Does he have a new girlfriend or boyfriend?! NO WAY!!! He would never cheat on me!! I began to power on my laptop in order to search for some imformation on where he is. Even if the internet can't tell me where he is, maybe it'll give me some clues about where he WAS. My laptop finally turned on. I started to click open tabs, browse, search, I did everything I could and only one thing caught my attention. It was the news from 2 months ago about a car accident. It was on the same date as MY accident! Maybe it led to something about England! I knew there was something about this news since my mind was blinking on and off, and getting brighter and stronger each time I got closer to the topic.

I was, at last, on the topic. I read aloud," On October 23, 1992, a very horrifying car accident happened in this very area, Washington D.C., Cathedal of St. Matthew." Wait, what?! It was there!? I couldn't believe it! I continued to read,"-


So!! How's the story? Good, bad? Comment please!!!! Plus vote, add to your library, and mostly.... FOLLOW if you haven''t ^_^

See ya later!!! Bye bye~

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