Now that my distraction was gone I felt the nerves all again. Why couldn't I had been as calm as I was in the dressing room?

I noticed the guy in the headset come and stand by me. My heart started pounding and felt like I was about to start a race. He made eye contact indicating I would be on soon, he then held up his hand to me wanting me to stay. The set got quite and then Ellen began to speak introducing my limited list of accomplishments and my latest movie.

His fingers began to count down to one. I took a deep breath bouncing on my toes. "Go." He said dropping his hand.

I began my walk down as I heard Ellen say my name. Moments later 'Rockin'' by the Weeknd began to boom over the set and I could hear cheers from the crowd. I grinned liking the song choice for my entrance. Turning the corner I made my way down. Looking up I smiled seeing the crowd emerged while trying to not fall down in my heels.

Once reaching the last step I looked up and saw the crowd. Catching onto the beat, I smiled again to the crowd and waved, right before I began to shimmy my shoulders. Making it look as if I was enjoying the pressure of all eyes on me.

I walked across the floor and took the steps up to the set. Ellen was standing up from her chair. Going with my nerves I slowed down after the last step up and dance my way over to her. She laughed at me. Once close enough I normalised myself and greeted her and gave her a quick hug.

"Great moves." She chuckled into my ear. We disconnected and she motioned for me to sit down. I followed her instructions and crossed my ankles. The music and clapping slowly dissipated.

I looked to Ellen and she was smiling back.

"Wow. That's some great moves you have going."

I began to laugh, probably from the nerves. "Oh good, because I did not practice that at all." I said dragging the last word. The audience laughed seeming to like my joke.

Ellen looked to audience and back to me before she leant back in her chair sitting more comfortably, raising her hand to me. "Well thank you for being on the show again. It's been a while, a lot has happened since I last saw you."

I pulled at my skirt. "Yes, it has. Been crazy since I was last here. Thank you so much for having me again, by the way. I honestly love coming here. I wish I could be here all the time."

"Oh. Really?" Ellen smiled. "You looking for a job?" I think we have some openings? Have any special talents?"

I leant back in the chair. "Oh yeah. Apparently, I'm a really great dancer." I said pointing my thumb back to the entrance I came from.

The audience laughed, and Ellen flashed them an impressed look. They seemed to like my humour. Which I was a relief because I had no idea where it was coming from.

Ellen then turned back to me and reached out touching the arm of my chair warmly. "No speaking of dancing. You've had to do a lot of that for your next moving coming out. The remake of 'Dancin' in the Rain' which you star as Kathy Selden! Which is incredible by the way!" The audience clapped and I nodded to them in thanks.

"Oh thank you." I spoke to Ellen. I pushed back my hair behind my ears nervous. "Yes, It's been absolutely insane. I wasn't really prepared for everything that was required to take on Kathy. The dance numbers were so intense on their own, and then to add I needed to sing on top of it was a lot of work. But I absolutely love the original picture growing up, so obviously I just had to do it." I finished smiling to the crowd.

Ellen watch me intently, her blue eyes so bright in the lighting and the nerves from before began to fade away. "Yes." She began again. "And my god. You have such an incredible voice!"

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