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Yawning and stretching, Hiccup dragged himself to the door, wearily unlatching the chain and opening it...to see Heather looking up into his crumpled face. Emerald eyes snapped wide and he stumbled back a pace in shock.

"H-Heather?" he gasped, his voice gruff with sleep. She smiled up at him, seeing his eyes bleary with sleep, bed hair and morning scruff.

"Hiccup," she said clearly. "How are you?" He blinked and blushed slightly, acutely aware he was in rumpled pyjamas while Heather was neat in her black suit, white blouse and patent black leather heels, her jet hair in a braid over her left shoulder. The similarity to Astrid's favourite hair do stabbed him with pain at her absence once more.

"Um...surviving," he admitted, his voice clearer. "Sorry-would you like to come in? I'm making coffee..."

"And you know how I like a coffee," she smiled, walking in as he stood aside. He closed the door behind her and walked soundlessly after her, stepping over the sprawled sleeping Toothless and rolling his eyes before clicking the coffee machine on and loading in ground coffee. He scratched his chin and found two mugs-though he carefully avoided removing Milady from the cupboard. Heather sat at the table, her green eyes bright.

"To what do I owe this honour?" he asked, yawning as the black liquid bubbled into the jug. "I haven't seen you since the funeral." She sighed and stared at the table.

"Sorry," she said in a soft voice. "I-I just found coming here was so painful...because every time I've been here, it has been so...happy. I just picture Ast here, with you, just how she was meant to be." He didn't respond, mechanically sloshing coffee into the cups and adding cream and sugar to his and a tiny dash of milk to Heather's. Sitting opposite to her, he placed the mugs down and took a long swig of the steaming fluid, giving a sigh of relief.

"So why now?" he asked her, taking another long drink. She shrugged, sipping her own coffee.

"I wondered if you wanted a hand sorting through Astrid's stuff," she offered. His eyes widened and then he shook his head automatically.

"Thanks but...no," he replied, gently placing his mug down. Automatically, he glanced to the photo of Astrid, this time a picture of her hugging Toothless, her smile lighting the image. "I-it's too soon," he said lamely, not meeting her eye. She leaned forward.

"That's okay-I haven't touched her desk at work," she revealed. "I can't...because that would confirm she wasn't coming back..." He nodded, sipping his coffee.

"I know what you mean," he mumbled, sitting back. "Sometimes, I'm okay and then I see or hear or-Thor help me-I just think of something and suddenly, it hits me again, full force. And it hurts, Heather. It's like part of me has been ripped away and I am constantly aware of the ache..." He shrugged. "It's like missing a limb...you're always aware it's gone and it limits what you can do all the time...and sometimes, it jabs excruciating pain, reminding you of what you've lost." She reached across, her hand gently landing on his.

"Just...call, if you need to talk," she reminded him. "She was my best friend as well-and I really miss her. Just being here makes her feel closer, you know?" His emerald eyes flicked up and he offered a wan smile.

"Thanks, Heather," he murmured. She squeezed his hand.

"I need to ask you something," she said after a pause. He nodded. "You know the account access codes?" He arched an eyebrow. "I need them. We're due to make some payouts to investors and I can't release the money. Only Astrid had access to the Prime Business Holding Account." Hiccup sighed.

"Astrid had the codes all in her head," he admitted. "She was brilliant with figures. She kept back-up details in her little blue diary." He sighed. "You can look in her office, if you want?" She nodded and flashed a brilliant smile.

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