Chapter 6

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Third person pov.

"Felix, what are your plans for the game?"

"My only plan is to get Marzia safe back home. No matter what."


"Tell me Marzia, you got nine points, what are you going to do?"

"Well, I'll try and survive and go back home. I'm maybe strong, but I'm kind."


"Jack, you scored 11. That's the biggest score in fifty years. I guess you'll gonna kill everyone and go back."

"No, I won't. Maybe I got the most points, but I'm definitely not hunting others. I'll only fight if it's necessary."


"Tiffany, how do you feel?"

"I'm sad, but strong. I want to go back and see my husband every morning once again."


"Anthony, any plans?"

"I'll try to survive with Ian as long as I can."


"Colleen, what are you going to do?"

"I'll kill. I am going home. Even if it means killing people."


"Mark? People love you and they would love to hear your plans?"

"What can I say? This is wrong. But I have to play this game and go back to my family."


"Mykie. What do you think about this game?"

"For me, it's just another movie, that we are all acting in. It's gonna be easy."


"Ian? You'll gonna try and survive with Anthony, or am I wrong?"

"You're right, I am. But I will try to go home."


"Lilly, you have a big team. What are your plans?"

"My team will hunt down and kill as much people as we can. Then we will kill each other and I will win."


"Dan, is there anyone that you are fighting for?"

"I'm fighting to go back to my family and get a victory for my district."


"Yasmin, you were just married as I heard."

"Yes, it's horrible. I want to see my love again and I will fight till the death to make that wish come true."


"Wade, how do you feel about the games?"

"I'm not fighting. I'm only here to see people that I watched on YouTube for years. I can't kill them."

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