Leonard Snart Imagine

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Imagine Leonard  helping you when Barry hurts you
You were with Leonard. You and him were going on a heist. Robbing the bank In central City. Mick was your getaway driver but he wanted to use his gun. You and Leonard get into the bank. He signals you to open the doors. The alarm goes off. You and him run and get all the money you need. Then you saw the Scarlet Speedster zoom in front of you. "Well,well,well, If it isn't Captain Cold and the Blue speedster." He said glaring at you. You used to be on Team Flash but ended the membership. He saw your hands full of money and made a run for it. But you raced Leonard, yourself, and the money into the car. "DRIVE MICK!" You yelled. Mick didn't hesitate and drove fast. The Flash wasn't in sight. But then he raced in front of the car. You raced and out and punched him hard. He bled but punched you. You dodged most of his hits he gave you. You kept punching him in super speed. He was bleeding and groaning on the ground. You smirked and hot ready to speed out. Then Barry punched you hard. Your nose started bleeding rapidly. Leonard And Mick stood in shock. Mick raised his gun up pointed at Barry. You shook your head at him. Then Barry punched you harder out of rage. He sped around you threw several punches. Then he he broke on of your legs. You screamed in pain. Blood coming out of your mouth and nose. Bruises and cuts all over your body. He looked down at you glaring at you. Then suddenly realization hit him. He almost killed someone. He looked at you in horror. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. Then he ran away. You got up your lip busted. Leonard ran to you. "Are you ok?" He said daringly. You nodded. Mick carried you too the car. You groaned as they tended your wounds. Leonard stood by your side. He kissed your lips gently. "You ok babe?" He asked. You nodded and kissed him back. "I swear when I see Barry I'm going to rip his little balls off!" Mick yelled. Leonard and you laughed. "I promise I will protect you." He said. You nodded. "I love you." You said. He smiled and said "I love you."
Meanwhile In Star Labs
Barry was pacing frantically around. How could he do that to you. You of all people. Caitlyn and Cisco stare at him. "You almost killed Her!" Caitlyn yelled. Barry looked at her. "I know. I just. My anger overtook me." He said. Cisco nodded but looked at Caitlyn suspiciously. "I think this is more than anger." Caitlyn said. Cisco nodded in agreement. Barry looked at them confusingly. "What else could it be?" He said Caitlyn gave him a really look. Barry glared at her. "No that's not it." He said angrily. Cisco rolled his eyes. "Ok sure, Barry." Barry looked at him. "It's not true. I got over it." He said. Caitlyn nodded but looked at Cisco. They both knew the truth. Barry still hadn't gotten over you after you broke up with him. To go with Leonard. He still has feelings for you. And he let those feelings out on you. By hurting you more.

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