Malcolm Merlyn Imagine Part 2

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Decision 1

"I choose to be on The Legion." You aid. The Legends looked at you in disbelief. "(Y/N) your decision has been made. But we will continue fighting the Legion. Till our very last breath." Rip said. The Legends looked at you. Their faces mixed with Hurt. Betrayal. Sadness. And a bit of anger. They walked away slowly. Each glancing back at you and giving you a warm smile. You couldn't stop the tears from coming down your eyes. You were going to miss them. Malcolm wrapped his arms around your waist. "Well. That was. Unexpected." Damian said. Eobard smirked and looked at you. "Welcome to the team. " he said. You smirked at him. "Feels good to be back." You said. Eobard hugs you as you hug him back. Malcolm tenses and glared at him. "What do you mean be back?" Damian said. You looked at him and Merlyn and smirked. "Well I was In the Legion before you guys were recruited." You said. They looked at you a bit shocked. "Anyway I better be heading into my room. I'm sure it will still look the same big brother." You said looking at Eobard. Malcolm looked at your surprised. "Wait your his sister." He said. You nodded and giggled at him. You turn to see Damian who raises and eyebrow. You then turn to your brother as he answers. "Just as you Left it, sis." He said. "Just as you left it."

Decision 2

"I choose to be on the Legions side." You said. The Legends looked at you. Eobard smirked. "Well I knew you would come through Sis." He said. Mick looked up at you. "Wait your his sister" he questioned. You nodded. Leonard looked at the ground. You hated seeing Leonard like this. The man you loved. You loved Malcolm too but that loved has past now. Leonard was your future. You smirked at Mick. "We are siblings. But you could say we are the Reverse." You said as you tackled Eobard to the ground. His eyes glowing red as yours glows red and yellow. Malcolm looked at you. Sadness filling his eyes. "Sorry Malcolm but I got over you." You aid to him. He nodded knowing. "I know. But I am truly sorry for I have to defeat you." He said. You nodded as he brought his bow out. Damian got his machete. Eobard and you looked at each other. "Sorry Big Bro. But something's never change." You said. He smirks at you. "Just because we're related doesn't mean I won't kill you." He said as he pushed you against the wall ready to kill you. "You won't kill me." You said. Your brother looked at you. "Why?" He questions. "Because if you kill me your plan won't work." You did. He stared at you. "What do you mean?" He said. You grinned mischievously at him. "You want the spear so he will stop chasing you." You said. He knew you were talking about the monster. Black Flash. He set you down but made sure you couldn't go anywhere. "I can do it myself." He said. You laughed. "Eobard your forgetting one key detail." You say. You look him in the eyes. "I'm faster than you." At that you sped off taking your friends with you on the WaveRider. You went into the kitchen. You got a burger with fries. "Hungry I see." Mick says. You smirk as he sat next to you eating his own food. Mick looked at you. He wished he would have called you His before Snart did. It was all stupid Boy Scouts fault. He was the one that made Snart fall in love with you. You saw that Mick was staring. He immediately stopped. He looked at your lips. Your plump soft lips. He wanted to kiss you so badly. But he couldn't. He walked away broken hearted. Leonard then stepped in and sat next to you. He kissed your lips. "I missed you so much." He said. "I was worried you were going to leave me for Merlyn." He said darkly. You smiled. "I love him Snart. But not as much as I love you." You said before kissing him.

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