Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

"Ronnie! Get down here right now!"

Huh, looked like dad was home. Oh, that wasn't a good thing...

Charlie looked at me as dad yelled for me to come downstairs. I knew he wasn't happy and I knew I was gonna hear it.

"Should I go down there?" I asked Charlie.

Charlie just whined at me in response and I sighed.

"Yeah, I know he's not happy, but I can't exactly ignore him."


I looked back over to my door, really not wanting to go and face my father. Charlie jumped off my bed and nudged the door open. He looked back to me and gave a bark. I sighed again and walked over to the door, Charlie running out and down the stairs. I followed, just not at the same pace as the dog.

Dad was waiting for me in the dining room, arms crossed and his expression angry. I kept my head down as I came to a halt in the archway.

"Sit down," dad ordered.

I did as told, walking over to the table and sitting down, Charlie sitting at my feet just under the table. Dad sat down opposite me. I kept my head down, avoiding his gaze as he began.

"I want you to explain to me right now what happened this morning between you and those boys," he said.

When I didn't answer, dad sighed.

"Ronnie," he warned.

"It was nothing," I mumbled, looking down at the dog at my feet who just returned the look.

"Well that's not what you told me this morning. You said it was something to do with Vic."

"'Cause it was," I said, a bit louder this time.

"And what happened?"

I stayed quiet. There was no way dad was gonna understand, even if I told him the truth.

"You want to answer me?" dad snapped.

"Not really," I said honestly, finally looking up and meeting his gaze. "'Cause you wouldn't understand, even if I told you!"

"Try me!" he snapped back, leaning back in his chair.

"Alright, fine!" I snapped. "You wanna know what happened dad? I'll fucking tell you what happened!  Vic got into a bit of trouble with a couple of fucking idiots in class and they were gonna hurt him! We got called in and I stopped them from hurting him! I wasn't 'bout to stand back and do nothing! That's why I stepped in. That's why I got into that fight. All 'cause I did what was right and stood up for one of my friends!"

Dad just looked at me, not sure what to say.

"So I'm sorry for doing what was right," I said, standing up. "Maybe next time I'll just leave the poor kid to get hurt."

I walked out, Charlie getting off the floor and following me.

"Ronnie!" dad called after me as I walked through the front door and out onto the sidewalk.

Charlie followed me as I walked down the street, passing a few groups of kids as they played outside with their friends on a Monday afternoon; who even willingly went outside nowadays?

I walked down the street, and a good while later, I ended up at the park opposite the Fuentes' house. I sat down at the table we usually sat at, Charlie sitting down on the ground near me.

Dark clouds were moving over, and not long afterwards, it started raining. I put my head down and Charlie just looked at me as the rain fell and the light started to fade.

OutcastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora