The door of the principal's office suddenly opened and dad came out, closely followed by the principal.

"I'm very sorry Ronald, but I'm going to have to suspend you," he said. "It'll only be two weeks."

I just nodded and didn't say anything, knowing to keep quiet. Dad just shook his head in disappointment and walked out, me in tow.


Dad slammed the door shut, making me jump.

"I can't believe this!" he shouted, walking past and coming to a halt in front of me. "What the hell were you thinking!?"

"I wasn't just gonna stand back and watch as they tried to hurt Vic!" I shouted back, getting frustrated. He didn't understand; he never did. "It's not right!"

Dad looked at me angrily.

"Just get to your room," he snapped. "I need to get back to work. We'll sort this out when I get home."

He walked past and back out the door, slamming it once more. I just stood there and looked at the floor for a bit.

Charlie appeared, whining at me as I sat down on the stairs. He could always sense what mood I was in, and he could clearly tell I was far from happy. He laid down next to me, putting his head on my lap.

I sighed, patting him and resting my head against my hand.

"Yeah, I know. I really fucked up this time buddy."


Andy's Point of View:

It was just Ashley, Jinxx and I when lunch came around.

Deryck wasn't at school, Ronnie was nowhere to be seen, and Mike and Vic were still at the deputy's office. None of us had spoken yet, and it seemed that no-one was game to say anything to break the silence.

Without warning, someone sat down next to me in the seat where Vic normally sat. We all looked to see who it was. Davey looked between all three of us.

"Whatcha want Havok?" Jinxx asked in irritation.

Davey looked at him in annoyance.

"Do you want my help or not?" he asked. "'Cause I didn't come over here for nothing."

We all looked at him in confusion.

"Huh?" Ashley said. He looked to Jinxx then me. We both just shrugged so he looked back to Davey. "Why'd you wanna help us?"

"Because Matt shouldn't have done that and it was a horrible thing to do," Davey said. "He doesn't realise how much damage he does when he does things like that."

Ashley looked at him suspiciously. "Aren't you meant to be his friend?"

"Believe me," Davey said. "Sometimes I wish I never knew the guy."

Ashley looked to me again before looking to Jinxx.

"Whatcha think?" he asked.

Jinxx just shrugged and I didn't seem to get a say. Ashley nodded and looked back to Davey.

"Alright then," he said with a sigh. "Whatcha got?"

"I know you don't trust me," Davey began. "But from what I know, you might wanna listen."

He looked over his shoulder at the popular table. No-one was there yet, but that meant that he probably didn't have much time to say anything.

He looked back to Jinxx and Ashley, as they were on the other side of the table and he was sitting next to me. Before he could say anything, Jinxx spoke up.

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