They notice Cheryl standing behind me and they look at her then back at me they both look totally dumbstruck.

“Cheryl? Nicola gasps. “it’s the Cheryl Cole?”

Cheryl walks towards us with both dimples on full show. “Aye, thats me but Cheryl is just fine” She laughs awkwardly.

“What the fuck are you doing in a house with Chery fucking Cole?” Sarah asks covering her mouth in shock.

“She’s the friend I was telling you about”

“You must be Nicola? I’ve heard a lot about you, It’s nice to finally put a face to a name” Cheryl smiles at Nicola taking her hand in hers and she does the same to Sarah. “I’ve already met you but I doubt you will be able to remember us” she laughs.

Sarah is gawking at her and Nicola elbows her discreetly in the arm. “Yes I’m Nicola and really? All good I hope”

“I couldn’t possibly comment” Cheryl jokes and Sarah finally manages to say something and to be honest I preferred when she was quiet. She always does this she never fails to embarrass me.

“So you’re coming over to my team then?”

“Huh?” Cheryl looks at her in confusion then back at me.

“You and our Kimbers are y-“

“No Sarah, we’re just friends!” I quickly cut her off knowing exactly what she’s about to say and I feel myself burn with embarrassment.

“So you aren’t shagging?” She questions in all seriousness.

“Sarah!” Nicola gasps and I cover my face with my hand but Cheryl sees the fun in it all continues to joke with her.

“Not yet” Cheryl winks and Nicola and Sarah both burst out laughing while I stand there awkwardly thinking of something witty to say. “I’m just kidding, no no were just friends sorry to disappoint you” Cheryl adds and she nudges my arm.

“It’s not like you bat for just one team anyways is it Sarah?” I raise an eyebrow at her and she throws her arms in the air.

“Well I like to have options” We all laugh again.

“Come through to the garden, ignore the mess we went shopping today” Cheryl tells them as she escorts them through the house and she points out the flat packed furniture leaning against the walls that we haven’t had a chance to assemble. When we step outside Paisley notices them and her whole face lights up.

“Sarah! Nicola!” She shouts and she runs over to them with her arms wide open abandoning her toys on the grass.

“Hi trouble! Nicola smiles and she swings her up in her arms. “Have you missed me?” She asks and Paisley nods her head. “You look beautiful “She coos and she straightens out her dress as she sits on her hip. “Who got you this lovely dress?” She asks probably thinking that there’s no way I could be able to afford something like this.

“Cheryl!” Paisley shouts throwing her arms in the air.

“I see you’ve forgot about me already” Sarah jokes with a pout and Paisley reaches over to her so she can be taken from Nicola. She wraps her arms around her neck and smiles.

“I didn’t”

Cheryl looks at me and mouths the word ‘adorable’ She’s right it is,I love how much Paisley loves my friends and visversa.

“Are we getting mortal or what?” Sarah near shout rising a fist and I shake my head laughing.

“We’ll get the drinks, I’ll be right back” I tell Nicola and Sarah and I go back indoors with Cheryl leaving them occupied outside with Paisley.

“I’m sorry about Sarah she’s a bit …” I try and think of a word to use and Cheryl takes it right from my mouth.


“Mental” I agree.

“Its fine, she seems like fun”

“She is, she is” I smile. “So when are Nadine and Lily coming over?”

“They should be here soon, you’re going to have to help us with that barbeque I have no clue how to use it”

“Hopeless” I joke rolling my eyes, grabbing the drinks and turning away from her. In return I receive a slap on my behind as I walk away and i turn around and pout. “that’s not nice is it?”

“I’m not nice” She says sticking out her tongue playfully.


I hear an Irish voice and standing at the glass double doors is Cheryl with her two friends I have heard a lot about. Just like Cheryl they are both naturally beautiful.

“Fuck! She is hot!” Sarah whispers to me and I turn to her looking at her seriously.

“Stop right there” I mutter and plaster a smile on my face as they walk over to me confidently. The tall girl with the golden loose curls that Sarah has just been drooling over straight away pulls me into a hug.

“So you’re the famous Kimberley?”

“I … er… yeah, I’m Kimberley” I smile and she lets go of me.

“I’m Nadine” She tells me in a thick Irish accent. “And this is Lily” She nods her head at the blonde who I recognise as previously being a fan of Cheryl’s.

“Yes Nads, I can talk for myself” She rolls her eyes and hugs me. “It’s good to meet you”

“It’s good to meet you too, the both of you”

“You are just as beautiful as Cheryl made out” Nadine tells me and I look at Cheryl who is looking away turning a dark shade of red.

“Been telling people I’m beautiful, eh?” I raise an eyebrow at her and giggle.

“Well how can I not?”

“I’m sure I have seen you before” Lily states narrowing her eyes at Sarah.

“I went to the signing” She tells her.

“Not for long, she got dragged out” Cheryl butts in with a cheeky smile.

“Oh my god, I remember you!” Lily laughs and Sarah lets out a cackle.

As Cheryl wanders over to Nicola I call Paisley over and she holds onto Sarah sheepishly sticking her head out from behind her.

“Hello” Lily says smiling down at her but she doesn’t receive a reply.

 “You aren’t shy say hello” I tell her but she hides her face again behind Sarah’s legs.

  “Are you being shy today? My names Nadine” Nadine says and she crouches down to the floor.

“You sound funny” Paisley blurts out with a giggle and Sarah again cackles loudly.

“Paisley! That’s rude, you don’t say things like that!” I tell her and turn to Nadine who seems to find it hilarious. “God I’m so sorry”

“Don’t worry about it honey, I’m sure I do. Let’s get the drinks flowing!” 

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