"What happened... One second I was resting, the next I was drowning in lava."

"We had to get started in your training so what better way is there then to fake your death." Stunova said.

"Umm why couldn't we just tell them that I am just training?"

"Well if we do that then the spy will tell their master and he will attack you instead." The man said in a deep rough voice.

"We know you have tons of questions but let's eat first." She said.

They told me to follow them and we went outside the room through the door I didn't see before.

When we got there Stunova started cooking instant ramen.

"So we know that since the bracelet is broken then you can't summon your swords so let's start on that right now." The guy said. "Before we start, my name is Fiecono."

"Ok Fiecono, what's step one."

"Well first you need to know the look of all of your swords which you only have one." I closed my eyes and concentrated on the phantom blade's look.

"Hold out your hand as if you have your sword." I did as I was told.

"Now concentrate on forming your sword, pretend that you can feel it." Fiecono commanded.

Purple lights/dust formed in my hand creating the shape of the sword. The glowing dust became solid from the bottom to up. Right when it came to the blade of the sword it exploded. I was thrown onto the ground, sweating like crazy. I looked at my hand and saw it was burnt and I could see raw skin. I breathed heavily. In and out. In and out.

"Well that's a bummer. You were close but not close enough." Fiecono said.

Soon Stunova came with the ramen. I gobbled it up realizing how hungry I have been, not leaving any surviving noodles.

"Go get take a nap. We'll wake you up when it's time for you to start training." Stunova told me.
I slowly made my way to a near by couch and collapse.

Zoë's POV

"So you're telling me that he threw you in with Anyop!?" Luke yelled. I nodded

"We have to go back for him! He might still be alive." He yelled.

Chaos stopped him. "We all want to see our young commander but I can't sense him and I can tell that there are a lot of enemies over there."

Luke looked sad and made me guilty that I couldn't save Perseus.

"Zoë when you came back, your mask was gone so was Oseus' mask gone?" I nodded.

"Tell us, who was he."  I knew I couldn't tell the truth. I felt as if something bad could happen if I told them so I lied

"I don't really know. He had light blue eyes and dark black hair."

They all looked down. Sad. Mad.

"Go get some rest. You all are going to Earth on a very important mission. I'm giving the files to Zoë." With that, we went to bed. All my thought were about how I could've saved Perseus from death.

Percy Jackson and the Chaos ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now