"Well, yeah, we hope so..." Leo fidgets.

Sarah elbows him in his ribs. "They will," she hisses, lavender eyes narrowing at the curly-q. "But the last two tickets were reserved by the Reaper and Cerberus. Leo read their minds. They got the tickets for free through Asylum clearance."

"They're going to be on our flight?" I roar, rocketing up.

Frantically, Sarah nods, her cream hair bouncing right along with her. "What're we going to do?" she gasps, trying to stabilize her beating heart. In an attempt to help, Leo holds her tiny hand, an uncharacteristically solemn expression on his elfish face. "We can't buy any more tickets, either. We don't have enough money for three new ones."

"Calm down," I urge, thinking out a plan. However, it's a bit hard to focus with Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum buzzing in each other's ears about how we're doomed. Normally, Kya would be comforting them and soothing their qualms. She's the nurturing one. I, on the other hand, want to duct tape their mouths shut and sit them down. "We should have enough money for two tickets, and some spare change for a taxi or something..." I speak.

"So?" Leo shrugs, not seeing my very obvious point.

"Go get two tickets and join Ren and Kya. I'll fly solo on this one."

Leo and Sarah exchange astonished glances, as if I just said that I'm a soft, plush teddy bear who wants to be hugged. "A fourteen-hour plane ride with the people hunting us? That doesn't sound like a well-thought plan, Elektra," Leo states.

"They won't do anything too public; not while we're airborne and surrounded by innocent bystanders. Cerberus would never allow it," I negotiate, handing the money to the kids.

Immediately, Leo pushes the money back to me. He won't accept it. "We aren't leaving you behind, Elektra," he softly tells me.

Something hits me hard in the gut and my vision momentarily blurs. What is this sense of overwhelming emotion? Gratitude? Anxiety? Anger? Whatever it is, I don't like it. I take a step back, trying to evade this peculiar build up. However, this is an internal attack... "I'll be fine. Make sure Ren and Kya don't tear each other up."

"No way," Sarah pipes up, wound tight like a spring. "We've got your back."

"Yeah," Leo adds. "I might not be able to do much, but the Voodoo Doll here..." he lovingly puts his hands on Sarah's narrow shoulders and gives them a small shake. "...she's got a few tricks up her sleeves."

"Oh, don't underestimate yourself!" Sarah sarcastically digs, crossing her arms. "Leonardo's pretty talented, himself."

"You know I hate my full name," he pouts.

"You know I hate my nickname," she pounces.

I wrinkle my nose in confusion. I've always upheld my ability to kill in the limelight. I view myself as a more superior being thanks to my powers, and I wasted no time brandishing my skill in Russia. I know that Sarah's ruined her body because of the unfortunate circumstances she endures to use her talent, but that shouldn't stop her from feeling pride. "You're going to miss your flight," I hinder, throwing the money back in their faces.

"Nah, we've got about thirty minutes 'till the ten-thirty flight," Leo defies, plopping down with a sigh, closing his eyes to signify the end of this conversation.

"Why?" I whisper, mostly to myself.

But Sarah hears it. "Why?" she repeats, raising a caramel brow. "Why wouldn't we stay?"

"You don't owe me anything," I answer. "So, you don't have to stick around until you get a favor from me or anything."

Sarah frowns and tucks her hair behind her ear. Softly, she places her hand on my arm. "Elektra, debt and tallies don't mean a thing to us. The only reason we're all here now, and why we're all heading to Japan at all – is for a greater reason than to just escape Asylum. It's to get a better life and to do it together...sort of like a –"

"Like a what?" I bite, voice as cold as ice and as sharp as a newly-sharpened pencil. "A family? Look around, Sarah." I nod at families who halfheartedly pay attention to their kids, or argue with their significant other, or are immersed in their portable devices. "They can have a family and make these bonds because some psychotic agency isn't on their ass with a license to kill. They don't have markings ruining their skin, coloring their hair, or fragmenting their irises. They don't stand out. They aren't trying to be put in cages because they're considered a danger to the world. We can't be them, so stop acting like we have a chance."

There's a long, terrible silence between the two of us. I don't feel regret over what I said; it's the truth and I've been wanting to say it for a while now. At least we all know my opinions and where I stand on the issue, rather than having to guess about them.

At last, Sarah speaks up. "If we aren't here to seek safety together, then what are we doing?"

I don't meet her eyes. From the start, I've just been escaping. To Sarah, she was rebuilding a new life and a new family. What was I, in her picture? An older sibling? Her mother? I know in my picture, people like Cerberus and Sarah were mere pawns. Yet, despite me telling myself this, I can't help but feel the slightest twinge of guilt.

"I'm escaping and starting over – in a place where nobody knows my past or my name," I finally answer, satisfied with that response.

"Elektra," Leo finally speaks up, voice firm now that I'm being stern with Sarah. "We don't even know your past or your real name, and we've been in constant contact for days. What are you really escaping from?"

I know Leo's reading my mind, searching for the answers – he's got that weird, constipated look on his face. But he doesn't find what he wants and he slouches back in his chair, tugging Sarah's hand so she sits next to him.

I wish Leo could read thoughts I wasn't actively thinking, because I also want to know what I'm really running from; what I'm escaping. He brought up a valid point. I claim to want to start fresh, but to do that, I need to start at all. Even in Russia, nobody really knew of my past besides the man who saved me from it. Do I even have a past? I was given up for adoption, never to be taken in; I joined a gun-running gang, a business which I dealt with for the majority of my life; I was taken to Asylum, where I deteriorated and simmered with unexplained anger; now, I've escaped and am running from Asylum.

I didn't have a childhood. I didn't have friends, family, or the luxury of schooling. I missed out on the aspect of joy. Maybe I'm not escaping from Asylum. Perhaps, deep down, I'm not escaping at all. There's a possibility I'm running towards the chance to make memories...

No, who am I kidding? I'm better than that. I don't need stupid antics and close ties to satisfy me. I just need to be free from the bonds of Asylum and I'll be fine. Maybe I'll go back to Russia. Perhaps I'll just take over Japan while I'm over there.

Whatever I end up doing, I doubt it will be with any of these softies. Perhaps Ren would join me in my endeavor to conquer the world. I seriously doubt he likes anyone here, anyways. And besides our initial disagreement back at Asylum, we've gotten along just fine...AKA we haven't butt heads since then.

I don't need to figure it all out this instant, though.

I've got a 14-hour plane ride ahead of me.

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