Chapter 2

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Clarissa POV

The Masters guests have been here for one week now, a lot of the time they are in the library. I have lost my reading privileges as I am not allowed to be present. I kept myself busy by arranging and rearranging linen for the guest rooms, though who actually does the bed dressing and washing I do not know... I have never seen anyone apart from Cook and Avla. I have been summoned to dinner a few times, each time I have had a new dress to wear with Avla to assist me each time. 

I was absently walking down the third floor corridor with no where in mind to go. I open a door to a room I do not think I have been in and stood looking out of a window was Kale. This shocked me, a window?? I had not seen a window the whole time I was here. I realised I was interrupting a private moment when Kale turned and looked at me with an intense gaze and almost snarl on his handsome face.

“I am sorry, I will go. I did not realise there was anyone in here” I began to back out of the room when he surprised me.

“Do not go. Not on my account.” With that said I walked further into the room and up to window. I saw it was a beautiful sunny day. I turned my face up to the rays, enjoy the natural heat on my skin.

“I forgot how great this feels” I sighed mainly to myself.

“What do you mean?” I turned my attention to Kale who was looking at me with bewilderment; I suppose I must have looked a little funny like a sun worshiper giving her body to the sun.

“I have not seen a window in this house the three years I have been here and not been outside in that time either” I realised I must sound ungrateful. I did not think Kale knew of the pretences his father got me here under. I ducked my head, hiding behind the veil of my hair. Heat rushing to my cheeks, feeling I had spoken out of turn.

“Allow me to take you on a tour of the grounds. Most of my fathers estate is underground however he does have spectacular gardens.”

“Really?? Would that be allowed, would he not be angry? I cannot make him angry” I almost cowered as I said this. 

Kale chuckled “I think I can handle my father princess”

‘Princess, were did that come from’ I thought to myself as I followed him out of the room and through another door, down another corridor and suddenly I was greeted by the blissful sunshine.

Kale's POV

'Where did that come from? Princess?' I thought to myself, god she just does something to me. I felt a stirring; my heart was melting toward this creature.

When we stepped out into the grounds I watched her face as it once again turned up to sun. Her arms spread as is the embrace the great fireball in the sky. She then turned and looked around the garden "This is amazing" she gasped "more beautiful than I could of imagined" she went and sat on the grass running her hands across the daisies that had sprouted. She looked like a child on Christmas day.

"Were have you been? I have not seen you around this last week" she asked as her face again was pointed toward the sun, eyes shut.

"I had business to attend to in the area. I should be able to stay put for a while now"

As I was looking at Clarissa so many questions ran through my mind. 'Does she know of her blood line? Why did she come here with my father? Does she not know of The Mystics and the Old Ones?' I knew I could not ask these questions because if she did not know it was not my place to say anything.

"That first night" she said to me "when your father greeted Kalis he said about it being over 200 years since they last saw each other. How is this possible?" I noted the disgust in her voice when she spoke of Kalis 'what has that old devil been up to in my absence?'

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