"In the kitchen." I said not daring to raise my voice. Talking out a spoon, I placed it on the dining table alongside the curry. He sat down and started eating.

"What did you do today?" He ask without any emotions in his voice.

"I went to school, and had my dance lesson after. I then went to the supermarket to get groceries." I stated. He nodded in approval.

"Get me water." He demanded. I quickly scattered back to the kitchen, filling a glass of water I placed it in front of him. 

"You know this is all your fault right."

"I do." I muttered quietly, my gaze never left the floor.

"Why couldn't it be you? Everything would be fine if it was you." He spat, slamming the glass cup on the table, making me jump a little. 

"I'm finished here, clean up. Tomorrow morning I won't be here, but there are some guests coming in the evening and I want staked severed. Got it?"

"How many?" I asked quietly.

"Four, five including me, because you're not eating at the table." I nodded. He walked to his room which was upstairs. Once he was out of sight, I out let the breath that I was holding. Quickly clearing the table. I went to the pantry and opened it.

"What the hell was that?" Zayn exclaimed angrily. I grabbed his hand was led him to the front door. Carefully opening it, I pulled Zayn out.

"You have to go." I half whispered half yelled.

"Was that your father?" He asked anger clearly in his voice.

"It doesn't matter, I'll see you tomorrow at school." I gave him a small shove, telling him to go. He grunted but turned around and walked. 

Silently closing the door behind me, I walked back to the kitchen and started washing the dishes.

"Hey Opal!" I turned around to be embraced by Harry. I laughed against his chest.

"I haven't seen you in ages." He sighs dramatically. I smacked his chest

"It's only been a day, you drama queen." He pouts.

"Opal, Is Harry bullying you?" Louis joked as he gave me a hug. Harry scoffs.

"It's more like she's bullying me."

"That doesn't sound right." Niall chipped in, slinging his arms over Louis and Harry. Everyone laughed, Harry tried to keep a serious face but didn't last very long. I felt a pair of eyes on me the whole time. Zayn's. After last's night I haven't talked to him ever since and I'm planning not to. I just hopes he eventually forgets about it. 

"Hey, I have to go to the library, I'll see you guys later." I said, everyone nods and I walked off, not before Harry stops me.

"I want to go too!" I gave him a funny look.

"I'm just doing homework." I stated. He pouts and makes his eyes watery, rolling me eyes, "Fine." I said, lightly smacking his face.

"I'm coming too!" Zayn stated. I throw him a disbelief look.

"What is wrong with you two? I'm doing homework, it's not that exciting." Liam muttered something to the group and everyone started laughing except Harry, Zayn and I.

"Whatever, come if you want." I muttered walking off.


"You work really fast." Harry commented staring at me while I quickly wrote I sums on the paper. Zayn hasn't said anything since we arrived at the library, which I was grateful for. I really needed to finish these homework, because I work have much time at home since there will the guests. Scribbling numbers in place, I sightly looked up at Zayn, who was staring at me intensely. Quickly lowering my gaze I continued to work.

I stretch when I was done. Took me only 40 minutes to do five pieces of assessments, mentally giving myself a pat on the back. Harry was asleep on his chair, I smiled at the sight. His mouth was sightly open and his eyebrows were scrunched up. 

"That was impressive." I jumped sightly, looking over to Zayn who smirked lazily. I shot him a small smile. I started packing up my books.

"Harry get up." Zayn said shaking Harry.

"Nooo." Harry whined with his eyes closed. I took out my water bottle and tipped it on top off him. His eyes flew open immediately

"Did you get that?" I asked Zayn who had his phone in his hands.

"Pure gold." He stated, flashing me a thumbs up.

"Opal!!" I started running, Harry was hot on my tail. His arms snaked around my waist and tackled me to the ground, and started tickling me.

"St-o-p!" I tried to say between laughs.

"What do you say?"


"No, how about Harry is the sexy man on earth." He paused sightly and I threw him a disbelief look. He was going to started tickling me again when Zayn lifted him off me.

"Ok that enough now you idiots." Zayn scolded, that was something else in his voice that I couldn't catch.

"But she started it!" Harry whined, sending a playful glare at me. I stuck out my tongue and made a face at him.

Special Dance (Zayn Malik) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now