Chapter 6

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On the ground, things were going slightly better. It says "slightly" because the Teo Tribe and researchers still had their hands full with big, murderous, simian slaves. As per their agreement, the researchers' guns could not leave the tree line, and so they only provided covering fire in intermittent intervals. It was probably for the best, most of them couldn't fight alongside the warriors even if they wanted to.

Oh, there were a few researchers who joined in the fighting. But most of them stayed behind. One of them, a former Australian Army Lieutenant named John Tamou—an Australian Maori (there's well over 100,000 of them, maybe more) prowled the brush, shouting orders like he was back in the good ol' days.

"CONCENTRATE ON THE LEFT!!" he ordered, pointing to a gap in the Teo lines.

Gina, still holding the walkie-talkie, looked up and smiled at him. And he smiled back. "Oh, I missed this!" he said.

"Don't miss it too much," Gina replied.

John noticed Gina fiddling with the walkie-talkie in her hand and her worried expression. He gently grabbed her shoulder and said, "They'll be okay."

"I hope you're right," she said. "Listen to me. I'm doubting them!"

"It's only natural," said John. "But obviously, you know them better than I do, so what do I know?"

"Glad to see you're acknowledging that," said Gina.

"I have no doubt they can handle the situation," said Kame. "But I suppose they may need some help."


We now return our attention to the top of the stone structure. Kaitan and Julie stared Oranta and Unaki down. Julie flexed and clenched her fist, her other hand twirling her Bowie knife. Kaitan held his up and prepared to strike.

Oranta looked at the two and back at the entrance (which, in hindsight, should have been pointed out earlier) and then to Unaki. She narrowed her eyes at them. Part of her wanted to start Manti's transformation right here and now. The other part of her was telling her that it was a better idea to duck inside and let Unaki take care of things. The Teo were not going to rescue their chief, either way.

"UNAKI!" she said. "Take care of them for me!"


"Don't question me!"

"You abusive BITCH!" Julie snapped.

"But what about the transformation?"

"Do I look worried?" Oranta asked. "There is no set ground-rules to begin the transformation process. He will be our slave, one way or another. Personally, I would rather—"

She'd been talking so much that Kaitan lunged forward to punch her. The look on her face said it all; she should've just kept her mouth shut for the time being. So she took her staff and whacked Kaitan on the face before grabbing Manti and dragging him into the structure.

"Damn!" Kaitan growled. "Julie, do you want to—"

His question was answered just by the way Julie glared at Unaki. "I'll go get the Chief," he said.

"Whatever you want, honey," said Julie. Kaitan took off running towards the entrance of the stone structure. Unaki moved to stop him, but Julie tackled her (while cradling her head so it didn't get smacked on the floor) to let Kaitan get through. "I'm not gonna let you touch my boyfriend," she said. "Sorry, Unaki."

"Julie, please!" Unaki pleaded. "I have to do this! My aunt will kill me if I don't!"

"Then you shouldn't have returned to her!" Julie replied. She raised her fist. Unaki got out of the way. Julie stopped her fist before it hit the stone. Unaki got up and tried to punch Julie. Now it was on.

Julie and the Monkey QueenWhere stories live. Discover now