After her hour was up Clarissa replaces the book and begins to tidy. Finally she was starting to learn her place. Be seen but not to speak unless first addressed. It had taken me the first year to wear her down.

She had had grand ideas of leaving me. I could not allow that so I kept her locked in her room, allowed out only for needs such as the bathroom. I had one of the kitchen girls to take her food twice a day and dinner was eaten in the smaller dinning room.

Now though she was much more behaved and any ideas of fleeing do not seem to be on the surface.

"We have guests arriving three moons from now, I will put on a feast and you will attend. I know this is the first time that we have had guests for you to meet. I will select a dress for you to wear and have one of the kitchen girls’ help you prepare on the day”

I looked as her eyes widened with fear and uncertainty.

Clarissa POV

Tonight we had the masters guests arrive. A dress was delivered to me by one the kitchen girls, Avla I think her name was. She ran me a bath in my en-suite, once I showed The Master that I was content to not run had moved me to nicer room with my own bathroom. For this I was grateful. As much as I hate to admit it, I was safer with him than what I would be in the outside world by myself.  When I saw the dress I was amazed. It was a gold satin material that clung to me like a second skin, floating to just above my ankles paired with golden gladiator sandals. The dress accentuated my curves and I felt nearly naked. A blush rose to my cheeks as I looked into the full length mirror provided. I had not seen my full reflection in so long. I almost did not recognise myself, I was nearly a woman. My once short red hair flowed to my waste, my blue eyes shone. My father always told me I had the look of a pixie, he would tell me I was his pixie princess.

I was terrified about tonight. All I knew was that some old friends of the master were coming to stay for a while. 'Is he selling me? Is that why I have the dress?' I was starting to worry.

I heard my call to meet the guests. I had been informed to meet with the master in his dinning hall; I had never been in there apart from to clean. I was not sure what to expect when I entered the room, but what I saw when I entered made me gasp.

The normally dreary room was alight with candles, the light cast from them reflected on the chandeliers overhead creating rainbow patterns. The formal dinning table was overflowing with the most colourful food I had ever seen. In the corner of the room four men played the grand piano, violins and drums. The sound they created was magical; it was as if the music transported the listener to another place. The other corner held a small bar area and seating. Plush lounge chairs and love seats covered in a deep red material.

"Clarissa" I turned to face the master. "My guests will be here soon, may I suggest you sit yourself down" with the he indicated to the love seat next to the bar.

As I sat the masters guests arrived. I took in the looks of them, three much older men, they could easily pass for my grandpapa. 'I thought that he said there would be four people'. I thought then stopped my inner monologue and listened to the greetings.

"Kalis my old dear friend, I cannot believe it has been so long. It has been what, two hundred years?" as this was said by the master my mouth dropped into an 'O' as in oh my god how old!!

"Gregor, it certainly has been too long. You remember my advisors Christophe and Mort?" he said introducing the two older men.

"Of course, Christophe, Mort welcome to my home. I do hope your stay here will be to your pleasure and satisfaction." with that said he turned to Kalis "and what of Kale? I thought he was travelling with you?" a look passes between the two men. At that the master turned handed me a glass of Champagne and introduced me.

Kalis POV

After greeting Gregor and going through the formalities he turned my attention to a spectacular creature. My inner being growled 'beautiful, mine'

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I must admit I knew of you being here but Gregor failed to mention what a stunning creature you are" I saw her sharp intake of breath and blush run to her cheeks.

Clarissa POV

I took a sip of the drink passed to me by the master. It fizzed up my nose and tickled my throat as I swallowed.

The door to the room opened and in walked the last guest. As I turned to greet them I caught myself short. My breath caught in my chest 'wow' I thought to myself 'he's amazing' he looked to be only a few years older than me. He was wearing black leather trousers and chunky black boots. His shirt was white and was open to the middle of his chest. I could see the curls of black hair and the defined shape of muscles under the rest of the shirt. His skin was a deep tan, jet black hair that hung to his shoulders. My pulse quickened as he started to walk into the room. He seemed to almost glide across the floor, full of confidence and oozing with sexuality.

"Father, I apologise for my late arrival I had business to finish."

'Father! This is the masters son?!?'

"Kale, my son I would like you to meet Clarissa. She has been staying here with me the last few years.”

I looked up to meet the gaze of this man, The Masters son. His eyes were the most striking and clear blue I had seen. I could feel myself being pulled into his gaze. I gave a slight bow “Good evening Sir, my name is Clarissa Beaudox. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

The eyes that met my gaze after my introduction changed from alluring to steely, hard almost grey. “Good day” Was the response from Kale.

‘Rude’ I thought to myself. As he helped himself to goblet of beer and drank it in one go then proceeded to help himself to another.

“Clarissa, may I request a few minutes of your company?” I shivered internally; the request came from Kalis...

“Certainly” I turned as found myself in conversation with someone who could only be classed as one the most boring and leery of people ever.

Kales POV

When I entered the hall, I noticed a few changes father had certainly made an attempt to dress the old place up a bit. My attention was grabbed by a girl stood to the side of my father. She looked like a goddess! Red, flowing hair to her waist, pulled from her face in a twist. Her face had an almost elfin quality to it, shiny blue eyes shone through dark lashes. I watched as she took a sip of her champagne and notice how her nose wrinkled up with the bubbles.

My father introduced me to her as Clarissa. I turned to greet her, to have her bow slightly and introduce herself as Clarissa Beaudox! Beaudox! Her father had been the head of the Mystics Council before his untimely murder. What could be the reason my father has this girl here for? Surely he must know that once she comes into her gifts she can leave at any time and return to her people?

I grunted some form of response to her before turning my attention to the bar. I then hear Kalis address Clarissa, I did not trust the old man he may have been one of my fathers’ oldest friends but something has always been off about him.

The cook drew our attention to dinner being served. My father sat at the head of the table, Kalis to his left with his advisors next him. This puts me to my fathers’ right with Clarissa next to me. I took a sideways glance at her and see her chest rising and falling in quick succession, obviously struggling to keep herself calm. ‘I wonder what that could be about?’ There was a slight flush to her cheeks which was not present went we met. Her gaze flickered to Kalis once, I followed and saw the old man leering at her! She could easily be his granddaughter!!

I do not know why this bothered me. Since my previous engagement broke 60 years ago I have only had female companions for my physical needs. I do not normally contemplate their mental condition or even their physical needs. I took another glance at Clarissa, again drawn to her breathing, noticing the rise and fall of her chest. Her full breasts, demurely hidden in her gown. Modest yet making me want to see the rest and explore.

‘What the hell?? I must be mad’ I thought to myself as I picked up my goblet and again drank till the last drop.

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