Jack and Mutt Williams

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At the train station, Indy walked to the train he would be taking to the airport. He went to train car 503, and began to climb the stairs before he paused. He looked behind him, silently saying goodbye to his life, taking one last look, before entering the car.

Two men came running out of the smoke, climbing into the car in front of 503. After the two men boarded the train, two motorcycles came out of the smoke.

Mutt and Jack Williams.

"I'll check the other side of the train," Mutt said.

Jack nodded and continued driving, while Mutt turned around and went to the other side. As she was driving, she glanced up at the passengers, looking for Dr. Jones. As she rode, she thought she saw him. She quickly drove to the end of the train, and met up with Mutt.

"I think I found him," she told her brother.

She quickly turned her bike, and the twins went to car 503, just as the train started to move.

"Hey!" Mutt shouted, trying to get Indy's attention.

"Professor," Jack called, finally gaining his attention.

"Are you Dr. Jones?" Mutt asked.

"You're running out of platform, kids," Indy replied, not fully paying attention.

"Professor," Jack called, again.

"Jack?" Indy asked, confused.

"Are you a friend of Dr. Oxley?" Jack asked him.

"Harold Oxley, the archeologist?" Indy asked.

"Yeah," the twins said in unison.

"What about him?" Indy asked, confused.

"They're going to kill him," Mutt said.

After hearing that, Indy immediately grabbed his bag, and rushed off the train. They went to a diner, and, after sitting at a table, Jack grabbed a picture from her satchel, and presented it to Indy.

Indy was looking at a picture of Mutt and Jack standing on each side of Oxley.

"I haven't talked to Oxley in twenty years," Indy said, gazing at the picture. "He's a brilliant guy, he could put you to sleep just by talking."

Jack and Mutt chuckled a bit, remembering everything about Oxley.

"When were kids, that's how we went to sleep," Mutt spoke, gesturing to Jack and himself.

"Oxley's voice was better than a glass of warm milk," Jack said, wearing a small, sad smile.

"The name's Mutt Williams," Mutt introduced himself, extending his hand to Indy. "I'm Jack's brother."

"What kind of name is that?" Indy asked, shaking his hand.

"It's the one I picked," Mutt said, a little offended. "You got a problem with it?"

"Mutt," Jack quietly hissed at him.

"Take it easy, kid," Indy replied. "What was your relationship to Oxley?"

"Our dad died in the war," Mutt told, dipping his comb in a glass of water, on a nearby table.

"Ox helped our mom raise us," Jack spoke, lightly smacking Mutt on the arm.

When their mom wasn't around, Jack filled in for her, like Mutt filled the position of being the man of the house.

"You said someone's going to kill him?" Indy asked.

"Six months ago, mom gets a letter from Ox," Mutt began, putting his comb away. "He's down in Peru."

"Said he found some type of skull," Jack continued. "A crystal skull. Like the one that guy Mitchell-Hedges found."

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