Of Interest to the Bureau

Start from the beginning

"There's no clear evidence as to why its occupants decided to abandon a perfectly healthy environment," Indy spoke, before turning to his friend. "Yes?"

"May I have a moment, Professor?" The dean asked, Indy complied.

"Open up Michaelson," Indy told his class. "Review Chapter 4. When I come back we'll discuss the difference between migration and exodus."

As Indy and the dean stepped out of the room, the students started talking, that bothered Jack. Jack, a 19 year old girl, with light brown hair and hazel eyes, was annoyed by this. The students always talk when the teacher walks out of the room, in whatever class she's in. Some people thinks she's weird because of her name. Her real name is Jacquline, but everyone calls her Jack.

Out of the corner of Jack's eye, she could see that Professor Jones wasn't happy about something. Curious, she strained her ears, trying to hear what was being said, but the class was louder than the conversation outside the room.


The class stopped talking, when they heard their Professor.

With the class looking at the two men in the hallway, Jack could hear the men's muffled voices.

"You've no idea the pressure coming from the Board of Regents," the dean told Indy. "The FBI showed up this morning, ransacked your office, searched all your files!"

Jack was very curious of why the FBI would search the Professor's office. The class, curious of the conversation, walked closer to the door. Wanting to know more of what was going on.

"You're the dean of the college," Indy started. "Why didn't you stop them? They have no right."

"They had every right," he said, a bit offended. "They weren't vandals. They were federal agents with search warrants. The university isn't gonna get itself embroiled in that kind of controversy, not in this charged climate."

Indy noticed the students walking to the door, so he led the dean away. Wanting the conversation to be private.

"So you're firing me?" Indy questioned, angry.

"A leave of absence is all," the dean replied, trying to explain. "An indefinite leave of absence."

"You are firing me," Indy said, summing it all up.

"During which they've continued to pay your full salary for a period-"

"I don't want their money!" Indy almost shouted.

"Please don't be foolish," the dean continued, sitting in one of the chairs lined up against the wall.

"You don't know what I had to go through to get that for you."

"You went through?" Indy asked, incredulous. "What exactly did you have to go through, Charlie?"

Charlie stared Indy in the eye, and said,
"I resigned."

After class, Jack went to Indy's office, and knocked on the door.

"Dr. Jones?" She asked through the door.

"Come in."

She walked into the room, and saw Indy packing papers that were laying on the floor. She saw that some of the papers were still on the floor, so she immediately got down on her knees to pick them up.

"Thank you," Indy spoke, picking up more papers.

"You're welcome," Jack replied.

It was silent for a few moments, till Jack finally spoke.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal SkullWhere stories live. Discover now