Chapter 9 - Games Night part 2

Start from the beginning

James had won the first round and Alex the second. I kept getting terrible cards so I was always the loser. Lena came pretty close to winning the second round though but Alex had a 'Swap Hands' card.

"I am so going to win this next round, I can't lose again!" I said, my voice full of determination.

"Ooh big talk little Danvers," Maggie laughed.

"I'm going to get another drink and then I'm going to beat you all" Lena challenged as she got up.

Maggie laughed "Like you beat Kara last night?"

"Something like that" she said confidently. Everyone except Lena looked shocked and I, well, I was beetroot colour.

"Er, I d-definitely need another d-drink" I said speed walking into the kitchen where I poured myself a glass of something stronger than beer. I downed the bourbon to settle myself. If I was going to make it through the rest of the night I needed more alcohol induced confidence.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard a soft voice say as they wrapped their arms around my waist. I knew by the sound of her heart that it was Lena.

"Hey, yeah I just, I'm new to this whole dating and being teased about it thing, you know? Plus I have my own agenda for tonight and Maggie is making it difficult with her jokes. I don't mind them as much as I thought I would but still..."

She turned me around and gave me a sweet kiss only to pull away quickly to raise an eyebrow at me "Your own agenda? And what might that be?"

I didn't answer her, I decided to show her. I pulled her into another kiss, then I began placing kisses down her neck, gently sucking on her pulse point. I trailed kisses back up to her lips and planted one more kiss on the end of her nose.

I know I had affected her because her breathing was faster and her heart rate had doubled in speed. Before she could do or say anything I quickly grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels from the cupboard, I prefer this to the bourbon I just drank, then grabbed my glass and ran back to join the others.

Lena's pov:

"Something like that" she said confidently whilst collecting a bottle of Jack and her glass.

That's the second time she's done something like that tonight. What on earth is she doing? Other than teasing me. After she showed me the lingerie she had on under her clothes earlier I've wanted to rip them off of her.

I splashed some water on my face to clear my thoughts so I could get back to the game of Uno that I had just challenged Maggie and Kara to. Alex, Winn and James said they wanted to watch this round and not take part due to the amount of competitivity between myself, Kara and Maggie.

After a little while, we were all down to 2 or 3 cards each. I had 2 which were a red 4 and a Wild card, Maggie had 3 and Kara had 2.

"Well, whoever l-loses this round has to  drink the rest of the b-bottle of JD and s-spin it" slurred a fairly drunk Maggie referring to the almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels, there was probably a small glass left in there but enough to get an already pretty drunk individual more drunk.

"Well g-guess that's going to be *hiccup* you Mags" said a very tipsy Kara. I had never seen her drunk and she was having such a good time it made me smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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