Chapter 82 : Year 4

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"And he makes me think, too—like about real life stuff," Ashley ranted on with an emphasized eye roll. "I don't want to have to think, Lainey. At least with Crabbe I can talk all I want and I don't have to think at all and he doesn't even care."

" want to end things with Bletchley because he makes you think?" I clarified skeptically. "Not because he's addicted to potions?"

"Why would I break up with him for being addicted to potions? What's wrong with that?" Ashley asked with complete cluelessness.

I let out a heavy breath before reluctantly asking, "So, you'll go on the date with Crabbe?"

Ashley shrugged noncommittally. "Sure, why not. I mean, it's not like it's a date, right?"

" is a date," I corrected straightforwardly. "Did you not hear me say 'date'?"

Her brow wrinkled as she fully processed my words. "You mean—like—an alone date? Like—we'll be going somewhere alone?"

"Um..." I hummed, pressing my lips together, "yeah...?"

Ashley took in a deep, gasping breath before proceeding to hyperventilate in her seat. She grabbed hold of either side of the small, square table and stared at me with protuberant eyes. "Oh—oh no—oh no, no, no! I can't go on an alone date!"

"Ashley—calm down," I hissed, grabbing her hand and sending a warily glance in Malfoy and Crabbe's direction. Neither of the fools had even noticed her outburst.

"An alone date! That's so scary!" Ashley exclaimed, shaking her blonde hair around wildly. "No—Lainey—I can't—"

"Okay—okay—good! So then it's a no?" I concluded with a slight smile of relief.

"No—no—I want to go!" she insisted frantically. "I just...don't want to go alone... See if he'll go on a double date—with another couple."

My lips pursed with displeasure. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes! Go talk to him!" she whispered, reaching over the table to shove me out of my seat.
With a deep, bitter breath, I walked stiffly across the room, stopping once I found my feet planted in front of the two boys again. Both of them wore expectant expressions, Malfoy's exuding his arrogance as I began to speak.

"Ashley says yes," I informed Crabbe rather formally, "but she's too scared to go with you alone—"

"LAINEY!" Ashley shrilled from the other side of the room. "You weren't supposed to tell him that part!"

"Right," I mumbled before clearing my throat. "Ashley would just love to go on a double date with you and another couple. How is that, Crabbe?"

"Great, I guess..." he said in his emotionless tone. "But—uh...who else would we go with?"

"Ashley!" I called over to her. "Who else would you go with?"

"Come over here and talk to me!" she whined, her eyes flickering timidly toward Crabbe.

Blocking out all of my irritated thoughts, I stalked back toward the table, where Ashley was trying to hide behind one of her textbooks.

"Lainey—pst, Lainey," she pissed, peeking her eyes above the pages to look at me.

I put my hands on my hips and raised my eyebrows. "Yes?"

"Will you come with me?" she asked quietly. "On the double date?"

"With who else? Fred?" I questioned with too much volume. "I don't think that'll go over very well, Ash—"

"What about..." she interrupted, lowering her book slightly. "What about...if you and Malfoy come?"

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