"No, but they are inside."

"Thank you."

Alexis heard the conversation and approached the man. "I am Alexis Warren," she said. "What do you need?" Before they left their previous flat, they wrote a note at the door with their current address. They'd have to change it on the internet soon too.

"My name is Jensen Abraham," the man said and offered Alexis a handshake. "I presume you're those girls who are interested in paranormal activities, right?"

"You're correct. Come in." Alexis wasn't happy that someone came to interrupt their lunch, but they couldn't turn down a client. Diane paused her game and joined. The man scanned them with his eyes. "I have to say that I didn't imagine you... like this," he said.

"A lot of people are surprised," Alexis smiled and seated the man in their new living room with a balcony access, decorated by lots of flowers and several paintings on the walls. Their old living room felt somehow cramped, this one was bright and airy. "So, what do you need?"

"My daughter wants to meet you," Jensen replied.

"Does she experience any paranormal occurences?"

"Uhm... not really. She wants me to bring her The Sisters of the Cross. Well, maybe I should start from the beginning. Two years ago, Elizabeth, my daughter, got involved in a car crash. The doctors managed to save her life, but she lost her sight in the process. She used to be so lively. Now she rarely speaks and when she does, I'm afraid. She seems to catch some glimpses of future."

Diane frowned. "Glimpses of future? How are we supposed to understand this?"

"Well... Elizabeth started telling me things that were about to happen. It started with innocent things, like what will be for dinner or who will come for a visit, but those are things she can easily guess. But then, she began to predict the events in the whole city. We basically knew the content of evening news before they even aired. It got really scary when she started to predict deaths and murders."

Alexis nodded. "Surviving a huge emotional trauma can result in discovering such powers. But what did you say about Sisters of the Cross?"

"Elizabeth keeps repeating this lately. She desperately needs to talk to you. I scanned the whole internet and searched for anything that can match the description, and found you two. Tell me. Can you say you are the Sisters of the Cross?"

"We certainly are," Alexis said. The daughters of the Holy Man. "Lead us to Elizabeth... but let us eat first."


After lunch with the Lightfoot family, the girls met Jensen near the TEx station. "Where do you live?" Alexis asked. The answer was West Haven.

"So we can go home for one last time," Diane smiled.

The station was decorated by numerous posters inviting the people to join the Festival of Founding which was a feast which took place every year near the end of September in the whole city, but the main celebrations happened of course in The Centre. It is an annual holiday to celebrate the founding of the city and lasts three days - the last weekend of September plus its Friday (on Friday, the schools are closed and most people also receive a day off from their work).

"Great, the Founding Fest!" Diane cheered. "I almost forgot about it!"

Alexis rolled her eyes. "But this time, you'll stay away from the Festival Beer stands. Remember previous year? If I didn't control you a little, you'd get plastered and put a shame on us."

"C'mon, sis, I know my limits, okay? Besides that, the Fest is the only day in the year where the people can really unwind and relax. Okay, okay. I'll stay away from booze, maybe just a little. The Fest isn't only about it."

The Sisters: The Curse of Gabriel's GardensWhere stories live. Discover now