"Why would anyone murder him, then?"

"The Centre is a wilderness," Alexis said. "Only the most aggresive and hungry can survive. He seemed too meek for this kind of business. It was only a matter of time before he crossed someone's way and got eliminated. Those are the rules in The Centre. The only problem is hiding the evidence so they can't catch the murderer."

"Makes sense."

The reportage ended and the broadcast returned to Angel's Tears. Diane nodded in agreement and continued watching tragedies of young Marianna. Alexis grabbed her book and got lost in the story again. Suddenly, the "company phone" (a phone whose number the sisters gave in the advertisements) started to ring - the ringtone was set to Whiskey in the Jar by Metallica.

"Looks like God doesn't want me to watch today," Diane sighed. "Yesterday, there was the blackout. And now this. I know that God probably hates cheesy soap operas, but this?"

"And I told you to not play with the ringtone," Alexis replied and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Warren sisters, paranormal investigation?" a young, nervous voice bursted out.

"Yes, what can we do for you?"

"Maybe I should introduce myself first. My name is Grayson Forrestal."

"That's the murdered guy!" Diane said. "So this is a phone call from a ghost?"

"No, no, no. I'm Grayson Forrestal junior, the person who was murdered was my father. Please listen... I'm now in the police station in The Centre. I have been accused of the murder of my father, but it wasn't me, I swear! I've seen the murderer. I hope you can help me."

"We are paranormal investigators, not detectives," Alexis objected.

"It was not an ordinary murderer. Look, I am allowed to have one visit and I've chosen you because you're probably the only ones able to make my name clean again. Please come."

He was interrupted by a husky voice in the background: "End that call already! You're wasting it anyway."

"Please," Forrestal junior whispered. The phone went silent.


"So... what do you think about this?" Diane said.

"Strange at least," Alexis mumbled. "Why would an arrested millionaire boy call us? But we are professionals, Dee. We have to talk to him at least. The we'll plan the next steps."

"I have to gently remind you about the previous time we got involved with a spoiled millionaire brat," Diane said. "Those Central people can't be trusted. We have to be careful."

Alexis nodded. They had not heard anything about Kyle or Marlene since they visited Kyle's mansion alongside Anna Lightfoot, their friend and unofficial third member of the team. That day, Marlene received proof that Kyle wasn't as perfect as she thought. Alexis wouldn't admit it, but every day, she expected a phone call from Marlene who would finally admit how blind she was. It had not happened so far.

"I'm not really excited about a trip to The Centre, but as I said, we have to talk to Forrestal's son. We can't just turn down a client just because he's jailed."

"He'd give us a one-star rating on the internet," Diane smirked. Then she poked her forehead several times with her finger. "But he can't give us a one-star rating when there's no internet in jail!"

Alexis sighed. "Did you just become a living meme?"


The sisters caught a TEx into The Centre - they could afford the transportation expenses since they still had money earned in the previous case. The police station was far away from the Angel Square, so they got off the vehicle on the different station as usual.

The Sisters: The Curse of Gabriel's GardensWhere stories live. Discover now