I tried avoiding him, so I sat across the class. He didn't seem to notice me.

Class was the usual and I was walking to my locker before I was pulled into the janitor's room.

I started to squirm. "Let me go, you creep!" I tried yelling out but came out muffled by the hand covering my mouth.

The lights flickered on and there stood Zachary. His piercing blue eyes were now dark and gloomy, full of hatred.

"Zachary, if this is about what happened the other day, it won't change the way I think of you. Now, if you excuse me-"

"Nu-uh-uh," He taunted as he locked the door. "You're not getting out until we tall about this."

I crossed my arms. "What's there to walk about? Two-bit already told me everything. I have evidence and now I can report you to the cops-" I gasped and quickly covered my mouth, realizing that I said too much.

He chuckled, then laughed. "Hold on, wait a minute," He gasped out. "Y-you re telling me a girl a Greaser for crying out loud, is going to report me, a Soc, a man. Who do you think they'll believe?"

I thought for a second. He was right. Why would they believe a Greaser?

He stopped laughing. "And why would I let you anyway?" He pushed me towards the wall and put both his arms on either side of me, trapping me.

Zachary leaned down to my ear. "If you tell anyone about this, Two-bit won't be the only one coming home all bloody, got it?"

That made me shiver, and not in a good way. I gulped and nodded and he pushed me out the door, leaving me frozen in place. The halls were empty as it was lunch time, so I made my way to the cafeteria.

I found the table Johnny and Ponyboy were sitting in and slid onto a seat.

"Hey, Nina. Where were you?" Johnny asked as he tossed a fry in his mouth.

"I uh, went to the washroom to freshen up." I lied.

The two boys nodded and continued chatting and eating.

Ponyboy cleared his throat. "Uh, Two-bit told me that you found out. I'm really sorry neither of us told you it's just that he told us not to tell anybody." He continued rambling until I interrupted him.

"It's fine, really. I understand why you guys did what you did. It's just hard to sink in, you dig?"

Ponyboy nodded. "Yeah, sure."

There was a moment of silence. "You know that I'm not related to him too, right?"

Ponyboy choked on his sandwich. "Really? I mean, I'm not surprised 'cause you guys don't look alike, but still! That's cool!" He exclaimed.

"Johnny, did you know about this?" He asked.

"Uh, yes?" He replied back in a questioning tone rather than an assuring one.

"Wait, you knew? How?"

"I told him while I was gone over the weekend. He was with me." I answered for Johnny.

Ponyboy wiggled his eyebrows. "Did you guys, y'know..." His voice faded out in the end.

Both Johnny and I looked at each other and blushed furiously.

"N-no, we didn't do anything! That's gross, r-right, Johnny?" I stuttered.

"Erm, y-yeah." He replied.

Ponyboy started laughing. "You guys, I'm just kidding! Golly, you should've seen your faces!"

I let out an awkward chuckle and looked at Johnny who was still blushing and elbowed Ponyboy and he stopped laughing. He whispered something into Ponyboy's ear and all he did was look at me and grinned.

"What?" My eyebrows raised up.

"Oh, nothing."

( author's note! )

hello lovelies!! this'll probably be the last chapter you'll see in a while since school is starting in 2 days :(

i will try to update as much as i can though!!! i don't want to let you all down.

have a good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night :)

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