the New beginning

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January 1,2014 |*New start*|

Stacys POV

I was currently in washington DC doing a fundraiser for we day I always love doing and being the host for these it's of course live and kendall won't stop blowing up my with messages saying we're watching you right now

Making me laugh

"Stacy your on"

I nodded walking on stage with the whole arena of fans screaming everyone was wearing a weday shirt I was wearing one but it was a sweatshirt with some black skinny jeans and my black hightop pumps

"Hello everyone and welcome to the 2014 we day fundraiser and I'm your host Stacy Lockhart tonight we all are gathered here to love one Another and not feel scared to break out your shell and dance the night away we're gonna talk about a few life goals and what's important in the world we have many talented people here to perform tonight that I'm very excited to see myself so tonight shall we dance like no tomorrow sing out all the hate show everyone love is strong"

Everyone starred screaming and cheering making me smile

After many people performed j grabbed a chair walking on stage Bout to give my speech to everyone

"The reason we do these we days is because its for people who feel left out or alone scared or hurt but tonight I shall say to all those women out there that there's a light in every single one of you here and around the world and there's many people out there that will try to bring you down but you gotta stay strong and turn the other cheek I've learned it all I didn't have most things when I was little my father left me with my mother and brother and now I have a little baby sister that doesn't have a father cause he came back into her life and turned her over then got remarried I know what its like to be heart broken to be lnlove and its the most amazing feeling you could ever have and I know what if feels like to get turned down cause you wasn't good enough but my .other was right there when I needed her most"

I stopped for a second starting to get a bit emotional with the crowd cheering me on my mom walked out on stage standing next to me I pulled her into a hug pulling back her kissing my cheek walking down I to the crowed standing with the fans among big

"Many people wanted me to dress a certain way talk sing dance date this person hesrich and famous I don't care about that I care what's inside your heart I know what it feels like to be let down people take advantage of you but there's always those good people that will always be by your side my best friends I have is all I need for a friend and family and many of you know that I'm in a current relationship many of you guys don't like it many of you do but you guys judge many people judge instead of looming about it they wanna but you down and try and make toy believe its not right but you know deep down it is but you wanna please them so you forget everything to make someone happy doesn't work that way don't judge something by the cover of there book without giving that thing a chance you push me you want ms to dress a certain way want me to wear my hair this way you judge somebody because of there eyebrows or laugh because what they look like you judge because you want them to change for you but we can't change or be anyone but ourselfs like what is there to make fun of we're all human you need to change"


"I go on my social media sometimes and I sdd girls posting pictures hurting themselfs because there not pretty enough they want this or they commit suicide because there boyfriend broke up with them ya its good to have boyfriend they can make you feel so great about yourself and they can also make you feel low if your doing everything in your power to keep the relationship Alvie and that guy isn't doing anything at all thens there's no point please don't cry over a boy there's really no need for it if that guy isn't showing any sympathy back then what's the point of even crying your waiting tears for someone who doesn't even cars looks it doesn't matter about looks or the new brand of shoes or this and that just ignore it and be happy how god made goy and who you are"


The interviewer Barbra walked out who was gonna tell me questions from fans for me to answer we sat on a separate sear and she started once the crowd died down

"How are you"

"I'm amazing you"

"Excellent I was back stage watching and I couldn't help but hear the inspiring things you said to all these ladies and gentlemen in the crowd I was even taking some advice from you"

She said smiling me laughing a bit

"So I have some questions from your fans from all around the world that they wanna know and been waiting to ask you"

I nodded her reading off the first card

"I was in a relationship with a guy for six years I caught him cheating on me and he says he loves me and wants me back what should I do"

"I'm sorry that happened to you first off and second I would say listen to your heart I know what he did to you was a terrible thing but if you choose to give him a second chance then I'll stick with you on it but be strong and don't ever loose faith in what you believe in"

"What do you say when someone says your perfect"

"*laugh* laugh I would laugh in there face I actually get this question a lot trust me my life is far from perfect the only thing I would say that is from the ordinary is that o have nice things I can get any car I Wang any shoe phone jewerly house but once you got that happiness about like five seconds its gone you feel like it was a waist its hard growing up around cameras as you guys know my family and I had a show called the Lockhart's life and I was around cameras and people doing this and that but its hard and it drive toy to a point where you want everything to just shut up and stop I'm not perfect never have never will be and I don't wanna be perfect I wanna be unique if I was perfect I wouldn't be unique I would just be basic but money doesn't buy you happiness at all its just a one short feeling that you have then that feeling just disappears with a blink of an eye but do t ever think I'm better then you or I can accomplish note then you all you guys have an ability to do anything you want just put your head in the game"


"What do you think about Justin's personality and how does he make you happy"

"He's amazing and I find it really sad when someone starts to judge him for what he's done in the past they still hold that against him he's a guy what do you expect he's not gonna go around and be perfect for anyone he wants to be just like everyone else and do what he's loves doing best he's under a microscope with billions of people watching his every move he just wants to be happy and he makes me happy because he's him he doesn't change the way he is for anybody he's a goofy dork that likes to make everyone happy and I like goofy dorks he's amazing I love my dork"

I said making everyone awe laughing including me laughing a it as well

"Do you ever feel embarrassed when you make a fool put yourself"

"Well you just gotta know that your gonna make  fool out yourself at some point we all will its nature we're weirdos we're all weirdos like earlier I fell down a couple of steps with my friends laughing so I laughed along don't take everything serious just laugh that's why its called past for a reason it already happened just shake it off and move forward"

"What is something you'll say for girls cause I feel like I'm not worth living anymore"

"Don't say that you are worth living everyone is you might not feel like it but you are and the people around you love you so much more don't ever try and take your life away that's silly talk you have a purpose of life you just need to wait for it to happen trust me its gonna seem hard sometime but through every dark nigh there's a brighter day after that just gild on be strong and if you don't learn one thing learn this nothing you do stops till the casket drops".

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