4. Him and Her

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Clarke sighed as her cousins raced around her up the walkway to the front door. If only the long walk was the biggest problem of staying at the house. More like a castle. The giant mansion sat atop a hill and overlooked the valley and town. Anyone could see the mansion from the town and that was her aunt's intention.

After her mom's death, Clarke "lived" with her Aunt Diana and cousins; lived was a relative term seeing as Diana sent Clarke to boarding schools all over the country. Diana Sydney was a nightmare to her worst enemies and a savior to her defendants; she would fight hard for anyone who could afford her, but she couldn't afford the time for sister's orphaned daughter.

"Clarke!" Charlotte screeches from up ahead, tanking Clarke from her thoughts. "Maddie pinched me!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Maybe only because you cheated at the race!"

"Did not!"

"Girls, please," Clarke says annoyed with the yelling. "I have a headache now get inside so your mom can deal with you." As part of Clarke's punishment for her behavior at the last school, she had to attend public school and take care of the girls whenever which involved ferrying them to and from their private school which of course was an hour away from the house and Clarke's school.

Clarke didn't mind, of course, anything to stay out of the house and away from him. Diana also wanted to keep the girls as far away from him as possible and Clarke was 100 percent okay with that. Just thinking about him made Clarke's breath catch in her sore chest. Why her aunt didn't just leave him already, Clarke didn't know.

Would she leave him if she knew what he did to me? Clarke thought bitterly to herself as she pushed open the front door, her cousins racing around her to see who could reach the kitchen, and the better snacks, first.

"Clarke," a worried voice called from the stairs. Clarke's head whipped up to see her aunt descending the stairs like royalty, her pantsuit immaculate as ever. "Where are the girls?"

"Kitchen," Clarke responded curtly, desperate to retreat to her room. This day had been long enough. Diana nodded and opened her mouth to say more but she was interrupted;

"Hey babe, get me a beer!" Carl called from his man cave. Diana sighed. Lazy ass. Clarke thought to herself, as she rolled her eyes and headed for the stairs. Carl Emerson was a straight up ass and Clarke didn't want to be anywhere near him if he was already drinking at 4 in the evening.

"He's been drinking all day," Diana whispered her worry evident on her face, an uncommon thing from her usual cold mask of unfeeling she presented to the world. Clarke nodded.

"Send the girls upstairs with me and we'll have a movie night. They can stay with me and I'll lock my door tonight," Clarke said easily, slightly grateful for an excuse to lock her door even if it meant entertaining her cousins for the night. A locked door meant no Carl and no Carl meant a better Clarke.

Diana nodded and made her way past Clarke into the kitchen. Clarke sighed in relief and started up the stairs. 

"Oh, Clarke," her aunt calls from the hall. Clarke stops on the stairs, her hand gripping the railing. Now what?

"Yes, Aunt Di?" Clarke calls to her aunt. Just let me go to my room, please. Diana walks back down the hall, a grim expression on her face as if she was back in the courtroom.

"I don't like your outfits. I will be buying you a new wardrobe soon enough. Your gothic-emo image is no good; I can't have rebellion rubbing off on my girls. You understand, Clarke?"

"Yes Aunt Di," Clarke says with a sigh. 

//later that night//

Maddie was curled up on Clarke's left side, already asleep despite it being no later than 9 o'clock. Charlotte was sprawled across the foot of the bed shoveling popcorn in her mouth faster than a hummingbird could fly.

Clarke looked up from her one-handed typing, her other arm trapped under Maddie. She flexed her wrist as she thought about what next to write. "So what's this movie about again, Char?"

"Clarkie, shush!" Charlotte squealed as she sat up and spilled popcorn everywhere. Her eyes sparkled with excitement in the glow of the television screen. "This is the best part! Moana's grandma comes back and then she gets the green heart but first she sings and I like, love this song!"

Clarke chuckled at her cousin's enthusiasm and went back to her typing. I need to finish this paper so then I can-

A bang at the door startled Clarke from her thoughts. Charlotte spun around from watching her movie, fear making her eyes ass wide as saucers. She crawled towards Clarke, popcorn bouncing all over the bed in her attempt to reach the comfort of Clarke's arms. Another bang at the door and Charlotte has reached Clarke. 

"Wha-Whas happenin'?" Maddie asks as she rubs the sleep from her eyes. Her hair long hair is plastered to her face and sticking up every which way in the back. If Clarke wasn't concerned for the girls, she might've laughed.

"Ohhhh Clarkie," a voice calls from the other side of the door. Shadows from the forgotten movie flicker over the darkened walls giving the whole situation a more sinister feel. "I know you're in thereeeee. Come out, come out." Another bang on the door and both the little girls jump. Clarke pulls them closer.

"Girls, listen to me. Carl won't get you. Do you understand?" Charlotte and Maddie nodded grimly, the fear on their faces mirror images. Clarke stood from the bed and grabbed the girls. She walked them to her bathroom.

Another bang sounds at the door, this one more aggressive. Clarke knew she had to move fast before something bad happened. There can't be any repeats of last time, Griffin. Get your head in the game.

"Clarkie," Maddie whimpered. 

"Shush!" Charlotte whisper-screamed back at her sister. 

"Okay girls," Clarke said as she helped Maddie into the giant tub. "Here are your blankets and some pillows. Charlotte, you know how to barricade the door. I'll lock it when I leave but you need to block it. Understand?"

Charlotte nodded grimly with fierce determination. 

"I'll come for you tomorrow morning, okay?" 

Clarke placed a quick kiss on her head and then raced from the bathroom, steeling herself for the fate she knew loomed ahead of her. As she leaned against the door, the bathroom key clutched in her hand, Clarke gave a shaky breathe to slow the beating of her heart. Just open the door and talk to him. Send him away. Talk about school. Send him away, Griffin.

Clarke slipped the key into the pocket of her sweatpants, grateful that the air conditioned house allowed for her to dress in warmer and longer articles of clothing. She made her way across her room and unlocked the multiple deadbolts she had installed on her door specifically for this reason.

"Hello Carl," Clarke said coldly as she held the door open slightly. 

"Clarkieeee," Carl cooed, caressing her face sloppily. His drunk grin widened as his hand slipped off of Clarke's cheek and rested easily against her breast. 

"There's my girl. I've missed you!"

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