"3rd Year Anniversary"

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Ethan's P.O.V

We ended up eating separated from Nessa and Gray and in all honesty I think it was a great opportunity to see where I stood in feelings towards Roni. She wasn't very happy that it would only be the two of us since I had been getting on her nerves, but that's the best part.

"Of all people, why you?", she groaned taking a seat on the chair I took out for her.

"Because you love me, that's why", I smirk sending her a wink.

"I hate you", she laughed.

"Hello guys! What can I bring y'all to drink?", the waiter attended us.

"I'll have a pink lemonade", Roni ordered.

"And I'll have a peach sweet tea", I stated.

"Okay, I'll be right back with y'alls drink", he said before leaving.

"I don't like him. I want a new waiter", I automatically said after he left.

"Geez E! Slow your horses. He has only taken our drinks", she replied confused. How did she not see he was totally eating her with his glare? If there was one thing about me, was that I was the jealous type and in no way was I gonna let this slide.

"Yeah, well I don't like him", I state looking around for another waiter.

"Gosh, you're acting like a jealous boyfriend!", she laughed setting her hand on top of mine.

"Roni, I'm sure you know I only want to protect you", i reply.

"Yeah, well this poor guy is just a waiter. Calm down, please", she begged. What was happening to me? What in the world was I even doing? Roni looked so gorgeous that I knew every guy would stare her up and down.

"Here you go", the waiter said handing Roni her drink and giving her a full smile. "And here you go", he turned to face me for a split second before turning to see Roni again.

"Thank you!", I nearly yelled making him jump. "Oh another thing, she's my girlfriend and we're celebrating our 3 year anniversary so do you mind not looking at her that way. Thank you", I told him sternly. His face got pale and he quickly apologized.

As soon as he left Roni nearly yelled, "Ethan, what the heck!"


"3 years!! Are you serious!", she said trying not to laugh.

"Best I could do!", I smile at her.

"I hate you", she laughed.

"Hey, we would be cute together", I say winking at her and for a moment I thought she was blushing. Was Roni really blushing?

"Haha, calm down E. I'm cute...you're alright", she laughed making me have the biggest grin plastered on my face.

"By the way, you look stunning! Almost to gorgeous for me to be around you", I tell her looking directly into her eyes. I could see how uneasy she was beginning to feel. I was getting to her. For the first time I was able to read Roni's expressions. She was usually like a wall, stiff and unreadable, but today that wall was gone.

"Ethannn", she began stretching my name out. "You look handsome yourself too."

Roni was never the one to admit anything. She always took the other way around and would joke about our feeling for each other as friends. She got me by surprise when she told me I looked handsome. The usual Roni would have said 'yeah I know, you look eh' but instead she said otherwise. I was so lost and I didn't know if this was some type of joke. The thing is me and Roni are really never serious when around each other. We joke way to much, but that's why I like her.

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