Opened Eyes

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Vanessa's P.O.V

Once i got home i ran to my room to take a quick warm shower. Throughout out the whole shower i couldnt stop thinking about how amazing today was. It was amazingly perfect.

Once i finished i got ready for bed and thats when Roni bearged in and nearly yelled, "tell me EVERYTHING that happened!"

She got me so off guard that i automatically yelled, "what?", in return.


I wasnt sure i wanted to tell her EVERYTHING. Yeah, we told eachother everything but i knew if i did she would never shut up about what happened between me and Gray.

I hesitated a bit before saying, "we just went to the movies....and omg guess who we saw!", i say trying to change the subject.


"Chad! Out of all people we saw Chad!!", i yelled.

"Oh god! What he say..."

"Just how supposably i always told him me and G were best friends and now look at us and Gray was quick to say whatever we were didnt involve him", i explained.

"Awww G is always looking after you....i wonder why", she smiled.

"Gosh Roni, you're always thinking otherwise."

"So thats it. Yall just went to the movies?", she asked right before my phone went off and i was 100% sure it was Gray.

I jumped to get it but Roni beat me to it. "Roni! Give it to me!", i yelled.

"Aww guess who it is!! You're little protector", she said throwing my phone my direction.

I grab it and wait a few moments hoping she would leave but my hopes were to high.

"Im not leaving Nessa, so open it!"

I roll my eyes and finally unlock my phone. I see his message and i knew i was going to regret reading this in front of Roni.

'I had a good time Nessa, perfect if you'd ask me. Hope we can do this again...maybe even travel the world like we would want to. Love you❤' , after reading it, in my mind of course, i had the biggest grin of my entire life.

"Nessa, what did he say??", Roni screams.

"Oh...that he had a good time...", i say part of the message.

"Thats it! LAME!", she says before getting up and leaving to her room.

I text him back saying, 'Had an amazing time as well Gray, thanks for the new adventure added to the list. And yes definitely! Beach scene stays within us...Love you too💙.'

I still had a huge grin after a minute or so. My phone buzzed again and his named popped up again.

'Beach? What? Haha ur cute', i read silently.

He was the best. Sadly i was afraid of actually opening my eyes and realizing that Gray did have feelings for me. I was afraid it would ruin our relationship.

I responded saying, 'Great! Goodnight Gray💙'

Seconds later he responded saying, 'Goodnight Nessa dream with the angels aka me😉❤'

As soon as i read it i couldnt help it but giggle. He was such a clown.

'Of course, how could i not lol ur hilarious', i hit send and i didnt realize i had the biggest grin on my face until i saw my reflection through my mirror.

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