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it was 12am, the night sky was freckled with little white stars. they sparkled like usual, but tonight, there was something more. there was something sinister.

daniel was outside, pulling the metal gate of the café down and locking it with a silver key.  he grabbed his bag and left for home, his shoes shuffled against the concrete floor.

different thoughts clouded his mind, and the last message he received from rin only added to the mess in his head.

he crossed the road that led him from the café he worked at to his home. as usual, he didn't bother to check for incoming cars as it was late and the area he lived in was pretty empty throughout the night.

nothing ever happened to him before. but at that moment, when he saw a white truck at the corner of his eye, and when he heard the screeching of its wheels and felt the pain surge throughout his entire frame, he knew that he should've listened to the lecturer during the hundreds of road safety talks he was forced to attend in elementary school.

he heard the vehicle drive off, the sound of its engine getting softer as it moved farther and farther away. his consciousness soon faded away completely, and he could no longer smell the iron from the blood that
seeped out from his system.

rin's pov:

i laid on my bed with my legs sprawled out, my phone in my hands. i was on youtube, watching random videos that appeared in my recommendations, and was pretty indulged in one until a notification popped up at the top of the screen.

it was another message from dahye. what the hell? it was like 2am, what does she want now?


hey, rin. you might want to see this :)

(link attached)

i furrowed my eyebrows. my finger levitated above the screen, unsure of whether i should click the link, or not. shutting my eyes, i pressed my index finger onto the screen, and prayed that it was something i wouldn't mind seeing.

it was a news article. a news article.. on a hit-and-run that happened around 12am today..

"the driver of the vehicle that was involved in the hit-and-run has not been identified yet however, the victim of the crash, has already been identified. the victim is 20-year old kang daniel, who has been sent to the seoul general hospital after being found on the road by a passerby at approximately 12:09am, who immediately dialled for an ambulance. the victim, kang daniel, is now undergoing surgery in seoul general hospital after losing large amounts of blood and attaining several serious injuries. his condition, as of right now, is still unknown."

my eyes skimmed through the long paragraph, and as soon as i saw daniel's name, my heart stopped beating for a solid 3 second.

this can't be real, right? it's just someone with the same name, surname, and age as him, right? or maybe i'm just dreaming, this is just a really fucking bad nightmare, right?

i pinched myself, but instead of waking up, i felt pain shoot through my arm.

no, this wasn't a dream. this was reality. cold, hard reality.

my knees shook so much i could barely stand up straight, but i couldn't just sit in my room and wait for the news to broadcast daniel's condition. i had to get to the seoul general hospital, and i didn't fucking care if it was 2am in the morning, and i sure as fuck didn't give a flying fuck about the fact that i still had to attend school tomorrow.

i threw my phone and wallet into a bagpack, changed into a sweater and a random pair of black pants, slipped on the only pair of shoes i owned and walked over to the side of the road to hail a taxi.

"seoul general hospital. please hurry up." i spluttered out anxiously, and the driver nodded before stepping on the gas pedal.

we arrived in about an hour. i paid for the ride, pushed the taxi door open and slammed it shut after i got out.

rushing into the large, white hospital, i saw a few people glance at me with amused stares. lucky for them, i didn't have time to get mad over it.

the woman at the counter seemed a little taken aback when i frantically yelled out daniel's full name, followed by a "where is he?" in a much softer tone than before.

"how are you related to him?" she asked, and without much consideration, i blurted out "i'm his girlfriend" on accident.

"he's still undergoing surgery in the ER. i'm sorry, but i think the only thing you can do right now is wait. i will give you more information after his surgery is finished and his condition has stabilised. but for now, there is nothing much i can tell you, i'm sorry."

i nodded, thanking the woman at the counter and also apologising for being loud and rude earlier on. she took my apology nicely, a warm smile hung on her pale face.

i walked over to the waiting area, sitting down on one of the plastic seats that were connected to the wall. it wasn't comfortable at all, but that didn't matter at this point.

i just want daniel to be okay. i just want to be given good news. i just want to hear his voice again. i just want him to laugh and tell me that everything is alright, that he's okay, and that there's nothing to worry about.

i unzipped my bag and fished out my phone, clicking the home button with my thumb, i went into the 'messages' application.

going into the chat with daniel, i felt the lump in my throat grow larger and larger, my vision started to blur because of the tears that built up in my eyes. but i can't cry, i mustn't cry.

my fingers typed aimlessly on the keyboard, forming words, and ultimately, sentences.

i pressed send, even though i knew that daniel wouldn't be able to read it.


daniel, please be okay. no, you better be okay, or else i'll change the emoji next to your name back to the shit emoji. you hear me? and after you recover, let's go to lotte world, you said it was a deal, right? you can't back out from a deal, so even if you don't want to go to lotte world with me, you still have to, because you made a deal.


i'm sorry, i don't know, i'm so scared. i just want you to be fucking okay. i just want you to tell me that you're going to be fucking okay, because right now, i'm not okay.


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