How To Make A Spell Magnet

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Spell Magnets can be used to help bring money, love or protection into your life. They are a fun way to have a spell that can be focused on daily to bring those things into your life that you are seeking. They are also a fun exercise to work with your kids and let them know more about Wicca and Paganism.

If you are an artist, these magnets can be as elaborate as you want them only limited by what you can fit into the space. If you want to use different mediums, then feel free. Scrapbookers may want to make a small scrapbooking sheet with representations of their spell. Graphic artists make want to make a design and print it. Don't feel you have to stick with painting. This tutorial is just on painting.

There are seven steps to making a spell magnet:





Adding the Magnet

Energy Releasing

Daily Renewal

Step 1: Research

Research is step one because you need to define what you need your spell to do. Once you know what your spell is supposed to do, then you will need to find the correct symbol. For this tutorial, I will be showing you how to make a money spell and its symbol is this:

Then research what colors are associated with this symbol. For the money symbol, it is green. Then start thinking outside the box. What colors go with your symbol? For the money symbol, you might also want red for wealth, yellow for property and prosperity, black for need, or all of them. Also you can look up other symbols and representations. They can be added to your magnet.

(My color correspondences come from the Elder Futhark Runes. You can find a series of about them, by clicking here.)

Also, this is where you would prepare your spell chant. You can make up your own or use one you have found on the internet. Just make sure that you have either memorized it or have it written out near your work space so you can read it. Here is a sample generic money chant: (Feel free to use this one!)

"My Lady and Lord of Wealth and Prosperity, please grant this petitioner's plea. Bring money and wealth into my life. I thank thee for your help in this matter."

For other chants, my e-book, Spell Chants, has over 25 spell chants and can be purchased by going to

Step 2: Supplies

These are the basic supplies you will need:



Paints (I prefer acrylic, but other paint types can be used.)

Paint Sealer (Matte or Glossy, your choice)

Paintbrushes (Have a variety)


An Old Rag


Scrap Paper and Pencil

There are also alternative supplies that you may want instead. If you can find the magnetic sheets, you can paint directly on their surface which will let you skip the "Adding The Magnet" step. If you don't want to use card stock, you could use canvas or ATC paper. Also, instead of paint, you could use markers, crayons or color pencils. Use your imagination.

Step 3: Preparation

Find a flat surface to work on. A dining room table or craft desk would work. Make sure you have all your supplies on hand. Draw your symbol out with a pencil on paper several times before trying to paint it on. Set up your supplies so that you can easily reach them.

Step 4: Painting

Start with painting your background. For my money magnet, I have decided that I would like a red background with a yellow and black border and the green symbol. I would paint on my background in red and let that dry briefly. Since I would be using acrylic craft paint, it doesn't take long to dry.

Then paint the border. I have decided to use a stippling type effect for my border in yellow and then draw a line between the yellow and red in the black paint. Also, my border is a circle.

Now, paint on your symbol. Once the borders have dried, then I will paint the green money symbol onto the center of the red background.

Once the paint has completely dried, paint the clear sealer over the whole card stock and let dry. As I said before, since I am using acrylic craft paint it won't take long to dry. At this point, I usually give it at least an hour to dry. I want to make sure that any areas that have a thick amount of paint are completely dry before adding the sealer. If you are using oil or another type paint that takes longer to dry, make sure that you give your painting enough time to dry.

Remember, while you are painting your magnet; repeat the spell chant over and over again. There is not set number of times to repeat your chant unless you want a set number. That could be part of the research that you did earlier. Also, the chant doesn't have to out loud. When I wake up earlier than the rest of my family, I will chant the spell in my mind rather than out loud. This keeps me from waking my family and usually being interrupted.

Step 5: Adding the Magnet

Those of you who used the magnet sheets that you can paint on, you can skip to the next step.

If you want your magnet to be a different shape or smaller than the original card stock, this is the time to cut the card stock. This shape or size can be something that is pleasing to you or there may be a limitation on how much room is on your refrigerator. I cut mine in a circle like the border.

Once you have your painting cut, measure and cut out the magnets. This could just be on strip of magnet down the center or you might want two smaller strips across the top and bottom. The choice is yours.

Attach your magnets with glue or if you purchased the kind with adhesive, attach them. Once the magnet is attached, place a heavy item like a book over them to make sure that the magnet adheres to the card stock.

Step 6: Energy Releasing

While you have been painting your magnet, you have built up the energy in your spell. Now it needs to be released.

Once the glue has dried, you will need to say your spell chant over your painting three times and put the magnet onto the refrigerator where you will see it every day. Once it is on the fridge, place your dominant hand onto the magnet. Visualize the spell energy that has built up being released into the magnet.

Then say a brief thank you to the deity (deities) that you called on. This can be as simple as "Thank you my Lord and my Lady for your help with this spell". Or you can write something more elaborate.

Step 7: Daily Renewal

Once a day, you will need to renew the spell to keep the energy flowing. To do this, simply place you hand over the magnet and say your chant. Then thank your deity (deities).

The spell magnet is complete and the energy has been channeled into the spell. Know that the positive energy that you have sent out will come back to your threefold.

Copyright 2012

By Kat Sanders

Wicked Pride Press

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